Yeah Veronica Mars!! I am embarrassed to admit how much I love this show. It’s TV *crack.* And I am well past high school age or the “target demo.” I thought the the early episodes were entertaining, but this show just kept getting better and better all season. Sometime around Feb or March, VM surpassed Lost, Alias, and the Amazing Race as the one show I could not miss every week and went to the number one spot on my TiVo season pass.
I totally agree with everything you said about the show and the cast. Kristen Bell is going to be a huge star and we will all be able to say we remember her when. Enrico Colantoni is also very good as her dad and they are the best father/daughter team on TV. (Sorry Bristows.) Jason Dohring continued to impress all season long and did some amazing work in the final episodes, and just broke my heart.
I haven’t loved a show this much since, well, I’m not sure ever. Maybe Buffy, or MSCL. Please, anyone who enjoys intelligent drama and complex storytelling, give this show just 3 or 4 episodes and you’ll be hooked. I know the premise sounds cheesy. I know it’s on UPN. I know it looks like Felicity at the beach. But keep and open mind and you will be pleasantly surprised.
And for you guys, Kristen Bell is seriously gorgeous on top of being a gifted actress. And she wears very short skirts. So tune in for that if you must.