I’d love to see a drop-shadow property in CSS. For instance, something like this:
div {
shadow-start: #000000;
shadow-end: #ffffff;
shadow-position: outside;
shadow-length: 5px;
shadow-direction: 135;
… where shadow-start would be the starting color, and shadow-end the ending color. The shadow-position would specify whether the shadow was inside or outside of the border. The shadow-length property would dictate how large the shadow was, while the shadow-direction would be specified in degrees and would basically show where the light-source was coming from.
All of those properties, except the first two, could have -top, -right, -bottom or -left added to the end of them to specify different shadow properties for each side of a box.
I haven’t thought of a good way to work shorthand notation for this yet; my guess is it would go about like the border shorthand notation goes.
Another question would be if shadow properties, if implemented, would add to the dimensions of the box like padding, or not.