Border radius: definitely should be per-corner, since a common use of this is likely to be navigation ‘tabs’ at the top of pages…
However, the way that Gecko currently allows shortcuts (with “-moz-border-radius”) is a bit annoying—it attempts to emulate the ‘compass points shortcuts’ of the other CSS thickness properties, and ends up not being very useful (since rarely does one want to make _opposite_ corners the same radius).
I’d much prefer a shortcut mechanism whereby:
*single number*: all corners the same radius
*2 numbers*: 1st number for both top corner radii, 2nd number for both bottom corners.
*3 numbers*: 1st number for top-left corner radius, 2nd number for both bottom corners, 3rd number for top-right.
*4 numbers*: 1st number t-left, 2nd number b-left, 3rd number t-right, 4th number b-right.
*Elliptical corners*
I think that these will be far _less_ used than 1:1 corners. Perhaps a notation such as this would suffice:
border-radius: {1,4} [, [|]{1,4}]?
That is: up to 4 border radius specifications, optionally followed by a comma and another (up to 4) numbers to give a second radius for each corner to generate ellipses. If the second numbers are percentages, 100% means 1:1, 50% means flattened vertically, 200% means squashed horizontally.
(post 2/2)