About Gilmore Girls, you’re so right! I hadn’t made the pickles/rotten eggs connection, but you’re right! That’s really really lame. You’re also spot on about those ridiculous Aerie girls. I think it’s at least appropriately named, since they all seem to be complete airheads.
As for the rest of the episode, though, yup, no need to Luke – I haven’t been so sure about the whole Christopher thing, but that final scene in the car clinched it for me. Luke’s permanently out of the picture for me, it’s just right that Chris and Lorelai grow up and end up back together. They just fit, and Rory fits in too – they’re a better, more cohesive family now, and that’s what they all need.
Which made me happy – some evidence that maybe the new guy can save the show after all. If only that pickle thing hadn’t happened… it all seemed a bit stupid anyway. But ah well, at least it’s heading in a good direction.