I think the key phrase in your comment, Jason, is “2-3 years ago.” You were here for a year, and a lot of the openness you’re talking about started before you got here. I think a lot of the frustration you’re feeling from people like Shawn and me is a perception that you’re taking credit for stuff that started long before you got here. I’ve worked for AOL for over _eleven years_ and have spent the last five trying to get AOL moving towards the web. Now that we’re there and moving, to have someone come in and appear to take credit for a lot of that openness is frustrating. Yes, you IM’ed people and e-mailed them, but it was a small group of employees who started and launched Lite AIM. You harped on AOL Search, but long before you got here, I built a version of AOL Search that was standards compliant and _faster than Google_ (which they broke after I left the Search team). Your fire is great, and you deserve a lot of credit for doing more to open up the internal debate and conversation in the year you were here than any executive before you, but there were people here before you who toiled in near anonymity doing what they could to accomplish the same thing. They deserve credit as well.