We Are Installified!

Yessiree Bob, Movable Type is now installed on this site, and everything has been migrated over. How cool is that? The only problem was importing. It refused to do all 653 entries at once, and I had to break up the files. I think we’re golden now. There may be some duplicate entries, but I can live with that.


4 responses to “We Are Installified!”

  1. Alisha Avatar

    I have to say, I prefer the other site…I think it was the orange.

  2. Kevin Avatar

    Congratulations, you have posted the first comment!! Rest assured, I will be changing the colors. I went a little… ummm, I plead temporary insanity.

  3. Margie Avatar

    I went to Vegas for the weekend, come back to find no spaceman! What happened?!?!?!

  4. Kevin Avatar

    He’s still here… He’s just hiding. I may have him switch sides since no one can see him.