Greasy and Honest

It’s extremely rare to find honesty in business, especially auto mechanics. I always follow my dad and use whoever he uses to fix his problematic cars (oh my, the stories I could tell you about my dad and his car trouble). Dad has a way of ferreting out honest auto mechanics and then inundating them with expensive and funny car problems. Thankfully, my cars aren’t that bad. Still, I like knowing the guy I take my car to isn’t going to rip me off.

For example, after our latest snow storm, my left windshield wiper stopped working. I figured it would be an expensive “replace the whole thing” affair. So, Jen and I dropped off the car at lunch today. Not two hours later, I get a call at work from the guy saying it’s all ready to go and there’s no charge. Apparently, when it’s icey, the pivot bolts get loose. It was a 2 minute find-it-and-wrench-it job that would have cost me $60 anywhere else. So, if you live in Northern VA, definitely give Houda’s a call. You won’t regret it.