He has every right to his religious and moral beliefs. He does not have the right to legislate others’ beliefs. He also does not have the right to legislate how people express their love for one another, unless that “love” involves preying on the weak, or committing acts of fraud on unconsenting parties (ie: incest, child abuse and bigamy).
The problem I have with the whole thing is how close-minded it is. How would it feel if your whole life was outlawed? If everything that felt right and the way you expressed love was considered illegal? It’s a hard life, and it’s unfair.
It seems the Senator lacks any sort of empathy for people who are different from himself. He equates different with deviant and evil, which drives me nuts, and is one of the reasons I’ll probably never vote Republican again. The GOP has been overrun by small-minded zealots who want to legislate our morality and create a theocracy out of a representative democracy.
It’s fine if you agree with the President and his friends, which I think is why we’re not seeing a lot of hubbub from the average American on this. But, when the ideology changes a little from your own, will it still be OK that these folks are running the country? When the prayer in school isn’t your’s, will you still support it? When they start outlawing your personal belief, what will it feel like?
My personal moral code is based in free will. Man was meant to make his own decisions. That free will must be weighed against the needs of a civilized society. I think our society can handle repealing outdated laws based solely on prejudice and hate. This is getting really long, so I’ll probably do another post based on this stuff in the near future.