How come everybody just doesn’t up and admit that this shit is too big for everybody? Bush’s responsibility or clumsy avoidance is less interesting than his persistence in a fantasy that we have any control any more.
The world is a car accident that never ends. Bush is an embarrassment but so is every other leader of every other party in every other nation.
It can’t be done. A country cannot be run, managed or led by any person or group. It is not feasible to organize 250 million people, unless you can make 99% of them stay put.
That said, maybe the only sensible thing to do is pretend like you can. (Me, I’m a fool.) And I suppose you have to try. (Me, I’m lazy.) What else is there to do? (We all have blogs…) We’re all just killing time, waiting for time to kill us. (Is that a country song?)