Well, I bought Super Size Me and have watched it a few times. I ate at McD’s twice last week and I feel no shame. Of course I know it’s not good for me, but when you hate your job and your job is your life, you do bad things to yourself.
No more, however! I just finished up my holiday shopping and, as usual, wanted to treat myself to something. So what have I really needed recently that I know no one else would buy me? Underwear. Yeah, it’s not a fancy gift to give yourself, but a necessary one. Anyway, I had to buy yet another size larger. That means since I started working at my current place of employment (same place as Kevin) I’ve gone up two sizes in underwear. And underwear is one of those things that can kind of grow with you, you know? So two sizes is really saying something.
Anyway, I’ve probably said way too much personal stuff now, and Kevin’s gonna report me to HR. Needless to say, it’s time to eat smart (I don’t like to call it dieting). And maybe take a walk or two around campus during the day. Yeah.