20×2 7.0: What If?

20×2 was tonight, and I was #8 in the lineup. Max and I created the movie below, and it was shown tonight… the “world premiere” if you will. Here is it, if you want to check it out. I was thrilled that people laughed in the right spots, and it got some big applause afterwards.\
A huge thank you to the star of the movie, Max, for sitting through my silly questions and giving such thoughful answers. I’ll try to put together an outtake package of the stuff that was funny but didn’t quite fit into the 2 minutes. But, right now, it’s sleepytime!\

<embed src=”http://www.vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=153002″ quality=”best” scale=”exactfit” width=”400″ height=”300″ type=”application/x-shockwave-flash”></embed>
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<a href=”http://www.vimeo.com/clip:153002″>20×2 2007: What If We Put Max in Charge?</a> on <a href=”http://www.vimeo.com/”>Vimeo</a>

Categorized as Max, sxsw

By Kevin Lawver

Web developer, Software Engineer @ Gusto, Co-founder @ TechSAV, husband, father, aspiring social capitalist and troublemaker.


  1. I’d vote for Max, even if I weren’t already so biased by his brains and cuteness. 🙂 But after that “neglected diseases” bit, I’m thinking maybe I shouldn’t answer so many of his questions about why I’m sick… poor kid, I always worry about stressing him out too much. He has so much brain power, but also a big, open, innocent heart, and sometimes the truth can hurt. Know what I mean? Anyway, he’s brilliant, and I can’t wait for the blooper reel. 🙂 Go Max!

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