Passing the Commute

I have a commute now. It’s not long or even unpleasant. I get to see some nice scenery, and it’s only about fifteen minutes. I’ve realized that now I have thirty minutes a day to listen to something I wouldn’t listen to other than the radio or music (which I listen to all day anyway).\
Before I get to the list, I have to say, I love iTunesU. It’s such a great resource for interesting stuff from public broadcasting and universities all over the country, and all for free.\
So, here are a few of the things in the queue for the iPod to listen to for the drive:

  • The Bugle – Hilarious “audio newspaper for a visual world” podcast from John Oliver (from The Daily Show) and Andy Zaltzman. I look forward to this every week.
  • Really Achieving Your Childhood Dreams – I’ve heard about this from all corners of the web, so it’s in the queue, and free from iTunesU.
  • Funny People: George Carlin – I just found this one while wandering around… it’s on the list.
  • This American Life
  • TED Talks – TED is amazing, and they’re putting all the talks online for free.\
    Seriously, spend some time wandering around iTunesU and see the amazing amount of content. It’s a ton of fun to wander around and see what’s there and grab stuff.\
    Obviously, now I need a longer commute.


One response to “Passing the Commute”

  1. Frank Avatar

    Let’s not forget the SOMEWHAT FRANK TV video podcast via iTunes as well. 🙂