Inspired by Matt’s tweet, I’m trying out offering office hours. You grab half an hour of my time and we can chat about whatever you think I can help you with.
If you’re in Savannah, I also like to do coffee meetings weekdays between 8-9, but you should email me about those.
Some rules, because it wouldn’t be official without some:
- Please don’t try to sell me anything. If you want to get feedback on your pitch, great, but I just… I don’t want to.
- You set the agenda. Some things you might ask me about:
- Savannah’s tech scene, TechSAV, or codebar Savannah.
- Savannah restaurants
- Baking bread
- Technical leadership
- Ruby on Rails or CSS (or databases or javascript or whatever)
- How to create a guerilla organization that actually gets things done.
- How to write a resume that a robot can read
- Being on a board
- I guess “no sales pitches” is really the only rule.
And while you’re at it, why don’t you set up your own #OfficeHours and share what you know! It’s ridiculously easy to set up either Calendly, Fantastical’s new Openings feature or a Public Calendar on Google so people can talk to you.