Five… Four… Three… Two… One… BLASTOFF!!

Max got his hair cut today. Jen took him in, and in the heat of the moment had them cut off almost all his hair! He has a quarter of an inch left all around (or less). It’s really cute, but makes him look so much older! He already looks like he’s four, but the hair makes him look like he belongs in Kindergarten. Then, he opens his mouth and out comes his practically (Friday) three year-old babble and that makes it that much cuter!

Jen had a thing at church tonight, so Max and I played. We played rocketship on our bed. Max steered and provided the countdown while I provided the rumbly rocket noises, status updates and turbulence. It was hilarious. Then, we played Leap-Daddy, came downstairs and played Jak and Daxter, changed a diaper, read a story, tucked him in and came downstairs. He’s so much fun.

Categorized as family

By Kevin Lawver

Web developer, Software Engineer @ Gusto, Co-founder @ TechSAV, husband, father, aspiring social capitalist and troublemaker.