Upgrades and Regression

Rebuilding 900+ Movable Type entries takes forever. The 2.6 upgrade went well. I usually download the full-library one just to get everything. This time though, they didn’t include the upgrade scripts. So, nothing worked when I tried it. I figured the missing upgrade scripts were the problem. So, download the upgrade, run mt-upgrade26.cgi and ::poof::, everything’s swell and we’re rebuilding everything.

Today’s been fun. We were looking out the window every five minutes checking to make sure the snow was still falling down. I checked my mail frequently for that magic note that work was close (it came… wooo-hoooo… couch, tv, surfin’ and workin’ in my jammies tomorrow).

Jen and I are watching High School Reunion. It’s pretty sad, when you get right down to it. It just shows how little people change between high school graduation and death. All of the people on the show have the same issues they had in high school. I don’t want to go to either of my high school reunions. I hope they won’t even find me. Oh wait, I’m extremely Google-able. Crap, why didn’t I think about that before? Stupid, stupid Kevin.