Kevin Smokler and Dave Thomas Under Pressure

I stayed up way too late last night having fun with my SxSW pals Kevin Smokler, Dave Thomas and James McNally. I ended up driving us around to Bryan Busch’s SxSW Karaoke Kick-Off (not the real title, but close). I didn’t plan on singing anything, but I ended up doing a duet with MD of TMBG’s Don’t Lets Start, and with Dave on Shock the Monkey. The song of the night though, was Kevin and Dave’s version of Queen’s classic Under Pressure. I didn’t get the whole thing, but here’s the last minute:\

<p id=”MVI_0450_480×360.flv”><a href=””>Get
the Flash Player</a> to see this player.</p>
<script type=”text/javascript”>
var FO = { movie:””,width:”480″,height:”360″,majorversion:”7″,build:”0″,bgcolor:”#FFFFFF”,
I think you’ll agree, it’s superior to the original is almost every way.


2 responses to “Kevin Smokler and Dave Thomas Under Pressure”

  1. Kristin Avatar

    So. Much. Fun.

  2. Bryan J Busch Avatar

    That black man is stealing that show!