10 Years

I’ve been blogging, right here, for ten years. The first post on lawver.net was on 07/20/2000 and didn’t say a whole lot. Since then, though, Jen and I have posted 2,631 entries. Jen didn’t start blogging here until about 2005, so out of that, almost 2,000 of them are mine.

I don’t think I’ve stuck with a hobby longer than this, except maybe collecting comic books when I was a kid (non-stop from age eleven until 22 and then off and on collections).

I’m pretty proud of this little blog. Yes, the design is old, and it’s slow at times. But, it’s a record of our lives over the last ten years that I wouldn’t have otherwise.

Here’s to the next ten and whatever comes next.


3 responses to “10 Years”

  1. James McNally Avatar

    I’ve been musing over what the value of a decade of blogging has been lately, too, and in addition to a record of the past ten years of my pop culture obsessions, it’s been a way to make some great friends, including you, good sir. Congratulations and here’s to ten more years then! 🙂

  2. mkg Avatar


  3. Mike Avatar

    Awesome! Congrats. My blog turned 10 last month – crazy to think we’re now hitting double-digits.