I sent this list out to yesterday’s RailsBridge students as next steps if the introductory class lit a fire and they want to learn more. And then I realized it’s a pretty good list, so I’ll share it here too!
Local Savannah Things
- February’s RailsBridge
- The TechSAV Meetup Group
- Request an invite to the TechSAV Slack Group
- 1 Million Cups
- The GA Tech Coding Boot Camp: Patrick was right, it looks like it starts 1/24!
- Urban STEM Academy
For Further Learning
- Mozilla’s Web Development Course
- Mozilla’s Big List of Tutorials
- Coursera’s HTMl, CSS and Javascript course
- Codecademy’s Web Course: I haven’t looked at this one extensively, but someone mentioned it yesterday, so here you go.
Yesterday’s class was great. Lots of teachers in the room and lots of people who had no idea that web development was accessible to “normal” people. It was tons of fun and a great way to shake off a pretty terrible week.