Ahhhh, finally. Ximian GNOME is finally available for YellowDog 2.1. Let the geekRejoicing begin.
Category: linux
After the RedHat rumor was
After the RedHat rumor was debunked, I was wondering if I would get any good news today. Here’s the answer to my prayer: Netscape is suing Microsoft.
Geeking Out At this very
Geeking Out
At this very moment I am installing RedHat 7.2 on my fancy new G4. How, you might ask? VirtualPC for OS X. Oh yes, this is a gigantic smile on my face.
And if you’re the guy
And if you’re the guy who searched for “YellowDog + OS X + Triple Booting”, you’re in luck. Check out the geekery. I posted my step-by-step triple-boot happiness last week.
When asked, most executives say
When asked, most executives say they’re not going to be moving to Linux in the near future. That’s funny. What “executive” really knows what OS their web site or infrastructure runs on? Do they care? Here, we’re moving quite a few “essential” systems to Linux, and folks are loving it. The best part is the move didn’t come from an “executive”. The idea was brought up by developers and sysadmins. They proved the case for it, and did it. Gotta love that.
From Geek to Geek: If
From Geek to Geek: If you’re planning on triple-booting between OS X, OS 9.2.1 and YellowDog, make sure you don’t make your OS X partition UFS. It won’t work so well. Just a kind word from your friend, Me.
And not five minutes after
And not five minutes after it leaves my fingers… mailGuy shows up with my copy of YellowDog 2.1!! Happy camping ahead…
My new work Mac comes
My new work Mac comes tomorrow. Woo-hoo, as Homer would say. A superdrive, 60 gig hard drive and everything a little geek could hope for. Now, if only my YellowDog 2.1 disks will show up…
I’m an idiot.
I’m an idiot. I thought, hey, OS X is a lot more stable now and my friend has the latest beta. I should try it out! So, I wiped my poor old Powerbook’s hard drive and installed everything. The one thing I forgot is that OS X is a pig. It’s a big giant memory eating sow. I forgot to take into consideration the fact that I have an old G3 with 128 megs of RAM. It’s sad, but that’s just not enough to run the beast that is OS X.
So, it’s Monday morning and I’m reinstalling my favorite config: OS 9 and YellowDog 2.0. I’ll run MOL, play Same Gnome, install AOLserver and Postgres and have some fun. Screw you, OS X. Even Windows 2000 will run on a P2-400 with 128 megs of RAM. So there.
Do you have a Mac?
Do you have a Mac? If you do, and you’re not sure what to do with it, why not try Yellow Dog Linux? Consider this a testimonial. I love YellowDog! I’ve used LinuxPPC and Mandrake on my poor old Powerbook, and YellowDog is bar far the easiest to set up and use. It’s based on RedHat 7 (so it’s reasonably up-to-date) is easy to update (thanks, yup!), fairly easy to configure, and runs like a champ. You can even dual and triple boot between it, OS 9 and, if you’re crazy, OS X. Does it GET any more fun than that? I thought not.