Oh, and I spent my dollar. I don’t think I should wax poetic about money.
Frugal Kevie
I have a single dollar bill in my wallet. That’s it. It’s lonely. It’s been the only cash in my wallet for 5 days now. I think about getting a soda or a bagel and then change my mind. Is it because my wallet would then be empty, or because I want to hold on to this dollar for as long as I can? Why don’t I just go to the ATM and get some 20’s to share space with my single Mr. Washington?
Instead of paying bills like
Instead of paying bills like a good little consumer, I’m going to start the redesign. Any last-minute requests? Hahahahaha, you don’t get to tell me what to do!! I’m not at work! I get to do WHATEVER I WANT!!! Woo-hoo!
Work is really busy, so
Work is really busy, so sorry if you’re expecting new content. I did manage to take pictures of my old Little People for the redesign, which I’ll hopefully get time to work on this week sometime. Should be funny…
Post Traumatic Patriotism Overload
Is anyone else tired of commercials that try to play to our sense of patriotism? Whether it’s the big 4 automakers asking us to “Keep America Rolling” by going into amazing amounts of debt to buy their overpriced, under-tested vehicles? Is it the low-budget mail order companies offering us crappy plastic flags for our cars, lapels or other “smooth surfaces”?
Patriotism is not spending money. It’s not being a good little consumer. It’s not listening to some skinny, snobby Canadian chick sing God Bless America.
When will Bush stop telling us to keep spending and start telling us what isn’t going to be the same? When will he corral the voices in his administration? It seems the leaks come from all over, and even the spokespeople can’t keep their stories straight. I with they would stop sending Dick Cheney and John Ashcroft out to play bad cop while the President keeps talking about the “evil ones”, which makes this sound like a video game and not a war.
From Geek to Geek: If
From Geek to Geek: If you’re planning on triple-booting between OS X, OS 9.2.1 and YellowDog, make sure you don’t make your OS X partition UFS. It won’t work so well. Just a kind word from your friend, Me.
In the same vein as
In the same vein as Alison’s List, the five people I’d most like to have dinner with (they have to still be alive) Who would you like to have dinner with?.
- Garrison Keilor
- John Stockton
- Philip Greenspun (which isn’t fair, because I have had dinner with him)
- Bela Fleck
- William H. Macy
I’m not into chest-thumping, but
I’m not into chest-thumping, but wow. This editorial is rather enlightening.
Hello, my name is Kevin.
Hello, my name is Kevin. I am a compulsive upgrader. I admit it. I like to have the latest software, even if it means compiling it myself. There, I said it. I’m now in the process of building the latest Mozilla release for my new Mac (running YellowDog, of course). I also downloaded AOLserver and the latest PostgreSQL driver from OpenACS. Why? I’m a chronic upgrader. Gotta do it.
Announcing an Upgrade in the
Announcing an Upgrade in the Punk Department: Not sure how I did it, but after my WIFE beat me in the Punk Score, I went back and took the test again. Now, instead of 5% Punk, I’m now 8% Punk. How Punk Are You?