Hi guys!!!!
I love your blog! Mom told me I had to check it out. Hubby promised me a new laptop soon so I won’t have to waste so much energy walking all the way across the house to the office to use my desktop computer. It sounds stupid, but my goodness its far! 😉 I’m just too tired and nauseas to make it all the way in here more than once a week or so. 😉 In the meantime, I make my weekly trek and check up on all the stuff Mom has been telling me to look at.
Thanks so much for the advice! It’s funny, I was just thinking today about having to baby proof soon and setting up the nursery and stuff. I have to remind myself the “sausage” as Kevin puts it (lol) probably wont need 50 million things all in the first few days. 😉
Love you all!!!