Radio Silence

We moved last weekend, which meant getting utilities hooked up and things transferred over. Thanks to some confusion/idiocy on the part of AT&T, we still don’t have internet access at home – hence our complete radio silence this week. I’ve been too busy at work (I’m in a meeting now and only half-listening – don’t tell) to even think about blogging.\
We’ll hopefully have internet access this weekend, and things can go back to “normal”.

Categorized as family

By Kevin Lawver

Web developer, Software Engineer @ Gusto, Co-founder @ TechSAV, husband, father, aspiring social capitalist and troublemaker.

1 comment

  1. You’ve been blocked! After all these months the filter on the base computers has just now decided to block your blog. Go figure. I can still check it at home though, you know, once you have internet access and are really back to blogging.

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