Kevin’s Favorite Albums of 2014

I can’t believe the last time I did this was in 2011, but it’s time to do it again! 2014 was a great year for music! Again! My 2014 Favorites has 256 songs on it. Last year’s has almost 350, but I think that’s more about me being more selective about what goes on it than the quality of the year.

I decided to break up the list into three sections, because I don’t think it’s fair to compare albums by bands I’ve loved for years with new stuff that jumped out enough to be considered. I’m getting older and though I’m trying really hard not to let my musical taste calcify, well, I think it’s inevitable. Also, the “throwbacks” fit a theme for me. They’re all committed to a sound from the past and pull it off expertly. All four albums will have you grinning from ear to ear just to hear great new songs in styles you thought were dead.

Repeat Offenders


The New Kids

And there you have it… my favorite albums of 2014. Enjoy!


4 responses to “Kevin’s Favorite Albums of 2014”

  1. James McNally Avatar

    Nice list(s), Kevin! So glad there’s still such an incredibly wide variety of music being made. I’ve only heard two of the albums on your list (New Pornographers and Mogwai). And it just keeps going. Soon the 2015 music will be arriving! Hope you have a great holiday and best wishes for an amazing 2015!

  2. Kelly Avatar

    I will have to check out this list. I still miss the days of being able to listen to your library at work.

  3. Kevin Lawver Avatar

    Kelly, that’s one of my favorite things about Rdio – it feels like the old days of perusing peoples’ iTunes libraries at work!

  4. […] sadness, let’s get on to the music! Last year, I just threw together a list of the albums I liked and put them in three categories. That was a […]