The Gardening Geek

It all started so innocently. I took Max to the Farmer’s Market last summer, and I bought a basil plant (because every three year-old needs to learn about death, right?). We took it home, put it in a pot on the window sill, watered it religiously, and watched it grow. It lasted the rest of the summer and most of the fall. I decided my black thumb curse was over… It was actually kind of fun watching it grow and using it in my cooking. So, I started a little window sill garden, just a couple plants. Max and I bought a cilantro plant, an oregano plant and a sage plant (that met an untimely death while I was in France). We had an extra pot, and Max and I took some crushed red pepper seeds, a couple snap peas, some peppercorns and (I think) a couple others I don’t remember and planted them. Surprisingly, two plants sprouted!! I have no idea what they are, but they’re both getting a little unruly and I had to replant them. Of course, I was out of pots. So, off to Lowe’s for more pots…

Now, it’s June, and I think I’ve officially gone over the cliff. I planted some roma tomato plants about a month ago, some new basil (the old one got old and feeble) and recently some rosemary and chives. I also moved our two gigantic plants and the tomatos to a big window box that’s still not outside. I even built a trellice… see for yourself:

the left side...

and the right

Max helps me water them, and we check on them every day. Like I said, it all started so innocently.


2 responses to “The Gardening Geek”

  1. Auntie M Avatar
    Auntie M

    I aint easy being… BROWN.
    I miss those beautiful green things outside your window!!! What are they called? Tr.. Tre… Trees! And grass!!! Waaaahhhhh!
    Beautiful! I love that you and Max are doing it together!! What a fantastic activity!!!
    I have one lonely, pitiful basil plant that I am nursing in the kitchen. I just want enough leaves to make a large pizza. That’s all I am asking for!
    Auntie M

  2. The Mighty Tim Avatar
    The Mighty Tim

    Ooh, growing your own herbs. Now you’re officially a gourmand and what-not…one o’ them fancy cooking peoples.