The Failure in Chief

This \[Iraq\] is a central part on the war on terror. They’re fighting us because they’re fighting freedom. — George W. Bush

Mr. President, Iraq would not be part of the war on terror if you hadn’t made it so. Your decision to invade was the best present anyone has ever given to Osama bin Laden. You turned Iraq into the center of the war on terror. If you hadn’t invaded, we would have the troops to use as leverage against Iran and North Korea. We would have the troops to find and nullify (ie: kill or capture) Osama bin Laden. We wouldn’t have lost over a thousand troops and turned the world against us. Saddam wasn’t a threat. Rice and Powell said so in 2001. Your own State Department and Intelligence agencies told you so.

You don’t deserve to be President. You don’t deserve to get 10% of the vote, much less have the support you have today. I hope you lose in a spectacular fashion.

Categorized as politics

If I Had Five Minutes With The President

I got If You Had Five Minutes With The President in the mail, and have been reading it this week. The premise of the book is that you’ve got five minutes with the President, not neccessarily Bush, but the “next” President, whoever that might be. Good premise, right? It’s too bad that the book is packed with celebrities who talk in vague terms about the same things over and over again. There are some really interesting, and entertaining pieces, especially Stephen Collins’ and Richard Belzer’s (so far, I’m about halfway through). Where the book shines is when it gets off the vague and inept Bush-bashing, the premise shines through and offers some really funny and interesting pieces.

I’m thinking about my five minutes… There’s so much I want to cover and address, yet I know that it means nothing to anyone but me. I realize that to those in power, I am nothing. You are also nothing (unless you give six digit contributions to the right people). Maybe that’s what I write about… but really, the President is the President of 280,000,000 people, and I’m just one of them, an average one at that. My salary is average. I have a wife, two kids, two cars, a mortgage, and am overweight. Yep, I’m pretty average. What politician cares about the average American? It surely isn’t anyone in power today, that’s for sure.

I’m worried about the future of our country. After getting halfway through the book, I took a good long look at how I perceive the political process and the environment today, and I’m sick of all of it. The political landscape is beset by a complete and utter lack of ethics. From Ohio’s plan to refuse registrations not printed on exactly the right paper, to the Pentagon’s blocking access to the foreign voter’s information site, to the steady stream of minority voter intimidation in the South, to the continuing abuse of campaign finance loopholes, to the continued twisting of the truth and outright lies told by the Presidential campaigns. There are no more “gentlemen politicians” in Washington.

It’s no wonder the American people are cynical. You’ve given them plenty to be cynical about. From an energy policy written by the companies it’s supposed to regulate to a presciption drug plan written by insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies, we have no reason to believe that anyone in the Government has our best interest at heart. Nothing the government does anymore seems to be done for the “common good”. It’s all done for money, influence or to maintain power.

Mr. President, whoever you end up being, Bush or Kerry, please restore my faith in the promise of Democracy. Do the ‘right’ thing for no other reason than it’s the right thing to do. Don’t lie to us. Listen to those who oppose your positions. Work with the “other side”. Enforce the law justly, not selectively. Don’t think you’re above the law. Please don’t think that because you’re President, or because we’re the United States of America, that the rules don’t apply to us. They do. More so, because we’re supposedly that shining city on the hill. If we’re going to be that city, and we’re going to shine, we’ve got a lot of amends to make, a lot of tarnish to remove and a lot of explaining to do to those who used to look up to us.

Please, don’t just promise to restore “honor and dignity” to the White House. Do it.

Categorized as politics

Freaky Geekery With XSL and Blogging

Below contains some extremely freaky geekery… proceed at your own risk.

I’ve been playing with XSL recently, and was thinking that there really should be a blogging platform that uses XSL as its template language. We could get away from all the MT tags, all the funny TextPattern stuff, and WordPress could have some templating language outside of PHP. It doesn’t even have to be slow. Each type of page (home, archive, individual, etc) could be configured to put certain elements into the DOM, and you could then associate each template with an XSL file (like you do with TextPattern today).

It could be a lot of things, especially if the major tool providers could agree on a schema (I’m thinking Atom with some extentions for category lists, etc). Templates could be traded among systems. If you create a new tool, you’d only need to use DOM/XSL and you’ve got your templating language, and if enough of the tools support it, you know you’ll be able to find people who know. The people who know it, as an added bonus, are not limited to just blogging. XSL is used in other tools and industries.

Of course, I don’t have the time to do anything about any of this, but it sure would be fun, wouldn’t it?

Categorized as geekery

Write Your Senator

I just wrote mine…

Dear Senator Warner,
I read this story today and was\
shocked that an agency of this Government would attempt to withhold voting\
information from Americans living abroad. The explanation provided by the\
Pentagon is completely\
unreasonable, as U.S. Government sites that deal with much more sensitive\
information, and would be at much higher risk for hacking (such as\ are available without incident through the affected ISP’s.\
This can only be a politically motivated decision, and it troubles me greatly.

This is an attempt by someone to disenfranchise thousands, if not millions,\
of American citizens, many in our Armed Forces, and it needs to be stopped\
immediately. This is an affront to one of our basic rights as citizens of this\
country, and that the Pentagon would take this step without Congressional\
approval or proper notification of the public is unacceptable.

I hope, as chairman of the Armed Services Committee, you can put a stop to\
this and get answers as to why this decision was made, who made it, and see\
to it that the responsible party is properly reprimanded. Personally, I think\
the appropriate action is that whoever approved this action be removed from\
their position.

Kevin Lawver
Sterling, VA

(I e-mailed McCain too)

Categorized as politics

Pentagon Tries to Disenfranchise Overseas Voters

Pentagon blocks site for voters outside U.S.

Unbelievable. Their explanation is hackers? I call B.S.. Apparently no other U.S. Government sites are blocked, just the one for Americans living overseas to register to vote, and close to the deadline for registration as well. What are you afraid of, W?

I can’t believe that our government would sink so low. How do you justify cutting off millions of Americans living abroad, including several thousand members of our armed forces, many of whom are serving in war zones created by this President, from information they need in order to cast their votes?

This goes way over the line. Whoever approved this needs to be fired today, and charged under any applicable law. This is insane. How dare they. Have they no shame?

No matter who you support, trying to take away the right to vote from any American citizen who has that right should be seen as gross misconduct and treason. We’re not talking about a floor vote on the Senate. We’re not talking about buying influence. We’re talking about trying to take away a basic right guaranteed by the Constitution. You try to take that away from any citizen who has it, you’re not fit to work for my Government.

Categorized as politics

Joining a Meme

Hey, look on the homepage, and you’ll see something new underneath the really cute pictures and the feed links… I have a linklog now! I know, I’m shocked too, but it was time. There are things I come across every day that I don’t have time to really blog about, but want to keep track of for future reference. Now, you’ll see them almost as I do, thanks to There’s also a new feed in the list in case you really want to keep up with the links I post.

And They’re Supporting These Yahoos?

OK, if McCain, Luger and Graham are on the President’s side, and they’re being this rough on him, how bad is it really?

It’s time for something different. This Administration will obviously never admit a mistake, much less try to correct the ones staring them in the face, even when pointed out by the most experience generals, and politicians from their own party. Without new leadership, we have no hope of getting Iraq right, or escaping it before it explodes.

Categorized as politics