Whiny me.

I am ready to have my husband back.\
I am ready to have strangers out of my house.\
I am ready to have Brian sleep past 4:30 in the morning.\
I am ready to have Max not be sick.

Categorized as Jen


  1. I’m ready to have you and your husband back.
    I’m ready to have people in my house.
    I’m ready to get up with Brian at 4:30 a.m.
    I’m ready for Max not to be sick.
    I’m ready to have my house messed up by Grandkids.
    I’m ready to make biscuts and gravy for breakfast.
    I’m ready to make chicken and dumplins.
    I’m ready for ice cream parties for the grandkids
    I’m ready for you to visit for Christmas.

  2. Hey Connie I’m ready for all that stuff, especially Max being healthy.
    Jen can’t wait to see you all for Christmas
    Auntie, Ed

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