The Two Best Photos I’ve Ever Taken

These aren’t great from a photography standpoint, but they tell a story that still makes me crack up.\
There were eight Americans in a row boat (rowed by a tiny Indian man) in a bird sanctuary. Our driver promised crocodiles. The guy rowing the boat lifted up his oars as we got close to a large (we guessed about 14 feet) and said “Watch this!” We drifted in towards this very large fellow sunning himself on the rock.\
The boat drifted closer and closer and eventually stopped with a thud against the croc’s rock. The croc wheeled his big head around, opened his mouth and hissed. Cliff was zoomed in all the way and thought it just looked like we were close the the gigantic angry crocodile.

Cliff holding a camera up to his face while staring down an open-mouthed crocodile.

When the croc hissed, Cliff lowered his camera, sprang back and screamed “*Oh dear, crocodile!!”

Cliff screaming 'Oh dear, a crocodile!' after taking the camera down from his face and realizing how close we were to the open-mouthed croc.

Still makes me giggle…


3 responses to “The Two Best Photos I’ve Ever Taken”

  1. Jen Avatar

    You need to add the part where the guy thought his camera was on zoom and that he thought the croc only *looked* close to the boat. And then took his eye from his camera, expecting to see a small croc, only, no. Oh dear, croc!

  2. Kevin Avatar

    OK, sweetie, I added the actual story…

  3. Jen Avatar

    Thanks, babe. It makes me laugh too. 🙂