We have pictures! Jen found the camera and put it to good use, documenting a rare afternoon MaxNap and Max and the twins next door playing outside on a beautiful spring day in Northern Virginia.
Author: Kevin Lawver
Big Winning
I went to Fat Bastard’s House Of Circus Tent Clothes last night to get some new shirts for church. My current stock of Sunday Shirts have 22-inch necks, and are lookin’ a little (ok, a LOT) baggy. I went in, got measures, and to my surprise, I can fit into an 18.5!! It just plain amazes me.
My favorite purchases were the two Hawaiian shirts I picked up. I just couldn’t help myself.
There’s something insidious about working twelve hours days. I’ve done two this week, and they’re absolutely draining. I don’t know what it is about that extra hour and a half at work, but it just kills me. Let’s hope this is the last one for a while.
Oh, and Jen took some really funny pictures of Max that I’ll try to get up on the site here in the next couple days!
Argh!! I’ve been caskrated!!
My friend Jon is the bestest comic maker I know. Popnuts had me rolling and almost doing the same thing to myself. Funny funny stuff.
I woke up at six in the AM today, a whole two hours early, after not being able to sleep last night. I spent all day in Chantilly, in a hotel conference room, coming up with crazy crazy ideas that I can’t tell you about. But, man, did I have me some fun. I adore brainstorming. I’ll go to meetings all day if I know there’s gonna be some good brainstormin’ going on. I got to play with cool toys, pretend I was Mae West and come up with some hopefully revolutionary stuff that you’ll see in the semi-near future. If any of my ideas actually make it to the public arena, I will definitely point them out.
Now, I think I’m gonna go to bed. Yes, I know Max isn’t even in bed yet, but I am exhausted.
It’s Crack, I Tell You!
Gizmodo is my new crack. All the gadgets I’ll never own with pretty pictures and enticing descriptions. Excuse my while I go salivate.
I love gadgets. I just can’t afford all the ones I want. So many toys, so little cash. I need to work for a tech magazine or some place that gives them away. I’d write reviews, I promise. Really really I would.
Heads Will Roll!
Here I am staring at a blank page while the world collapses around me. Work has been hellacious this week. Tomorrow I get a nice break and get to sit in an hotel conference room and expound on all my crazy theories about “the way things outta be”. Right now, I’m waiting around for an e-mail I have to reply to tonight that was supposed to show up an hour ago, and which I’m still waiting for.
While waiting, my boss sent me this fun geography quiz. I was surprised how well I did. I only missed six countries, and of that, two of them I just flip-flopped (Yemen and Oman, go figure). Go try it for yourself.
So this is what it’s like to spend twelve hours at work? It’s not all it’s cracked up to be. It could be easier. I should have brought reading material.
I swear, if that e-mail doesn’t come in the next five minutes, heads are going to roll!! I mean it. I may leave the bodies on for effect, but there will be rolling, I mean it!
The Truth
Fred Milton speaks the truth. It’s sad when we turn to a talking poodle to tell us the truth: “This war is deeply 100% toilet”.
Work? Now?
There’s so much I could be doing right now that I’m not going to do. There are things I could do to get ahead for work this week. There are things I could do to improve myself, learn something or be “constructive”. Am I going to do any of them tonight? Nope. I’m going to sit here and watch TV, or maybe go play Civ 3 and forget that I have to work next week, and it’ll be crazy. Avoidance wins tonight. Avoidance wins almost every night. Work will be there tomorrow…
Please, make him stop!! I can’t take any more puppy cuteness, or I will just break down and buy one. It’s not fair. I don’t even like dogs. In fact, I don’t understand humans’ need for animal companionship, but every time I see pictures of Oliver, and now the puppies, my cold animal agnostic heart just melts.
What’s wrong with me??
The Inevitable Clip Show
In honor of my 1000th post, I’ve decided to do a “best of” the last 1000 posts. There are a lot to choose from – unfortunately, most of them are crap. But, here are the ones I think rise slightly above the level of poopy:
- The Bees
- The Long Walk To School in Iceland
- Sigur Ros at the Lincoln Theater
- No Doubt in Concert
- Max, King of the TP
- The Conspiracy Theorists
- The Anniversary
- Married In America
- That’s Not Fair!
I hope you enjoy them…
This site has been a lot of fun, I don’t see it becoming drudgery anytime soon. I plan on trying some different things around here in the near future, when I can spare a few hours to start playing. I’m fascinated by the information people put on their front page, how much of it is actually worth putting there, and how to provide better navigation in blogs in general. For the most part, the standard Blogging UI is OK, but it’s not great. Some of the great designers out there have done a good job at presenting information, but I think it can get better. As things evolve, we’ll see new and interesting things, and I want to be a part of it.
Post 999
Action Tin Toy has the coolest freebies. The wallpaper and icons are retro-gorgeous. The icons alone are reason enough to switch to a Mac (ok, grasping at straws, but you really should think about it).
I’ve got some new things I want to try here. I want to write longer entries, but still keep the short “Ooh, go check this out” option open. There are lots of ways to do this, and a lot of people do it… It’s my turn. Look for some changes around here in the next few weeks (you know, as I get time).
In other good news, I got a new Powerbook! It’s the same model as I had before (TiBook 550), but it has more RAM! Things run so much better now that I’m not running out of RAM all the time. Good good stuff.
In related news, and another fine reason to use OS X, it is extremely easy to restore all your crap in OS X. First, just backup the Library directory from your home directory. Then, when you get your new Mac, install all your apps, create a user with the same name as the old one, and copy the contents of the old Library folder into the new Library folder. Voila, all your saved passwords in Mozilla, all your old mail, and bookmarks! How cool is that?