
Sick, I am. Sick like a dog who’s sick. Sick like a joke that’s sick. I’m feverish, fatigued and unfortunately at work. I took Tuesday off, went home early yesterday to sleep, but here I am today, like a trooper. I’m sure I’m infecting everyone. I read an article in this month’s Smithsonian about the West Nile Virus, and now I’ve got all the symptoms. Am I a hypochondriac? Was I just in line to get sick? What’s wrong with me?

My goodness, is it hot in here? I wish I had a thermometer…


3 responses to “Sick”

  1. mkg Avatar

    sounds like west nile.
    get ready for spinal tap.
    (seriously, feel better.)
    (it sorta does sound like west nile.)
    (this is probably bad karma.)
    (it’s because i care.)
    (see a doctor, no really.)

  2. Kevin Avatar

    Mikey, I am never kissing you again.

  3. mkg Avatar

    (your loss.)