And One More Thing…

We have lots and lots of D batteries we can put in socks and swing wildly if the terrorists decide that now is the best time to attack our house. I feel a lot better with that out in the open.


5 responses to “And One More Thing…”

  1. Joey Avatar

    Guns.. I have lots and lots of guns. Okay, I just have two, but if terrorists come to my small apartment and try to take my pots and pans, me and one guest will be able to blast ’em!

  2. Dawson Avatar

    Ditto Joey. Guns and lots and lots of bullets.
    I have…four guns, and am getting ready to get a shotgun. Not strictly for terrorists, mind you, but if someone did come in the house wishing me and my family harm, well let’s just say I’ll hit them so hard that their DNA will unravel.
    But a sock full of D-batteries… that’s cool.

  3. Kevin Avatar

    Yes, I am a real man because I bludgeon my enemies to death with power sources. RAWR!!

  4. michaelbrown Avatar

    Am I your only reader who doesn’t own a gun?

  5. Kevin Avatar

    I sure hope not… I don’t, which is why I’m betting the farm on my blunt battery weapons.