Yellow Pages on the Go

How cool is this? I found out this morning that AOL has an IM bot for Yellow Pages. So, next time I’m out of town and need to find a movie theater or restaurant, I can just send an IM from my Sidekick to AOLYellowPages and get what I need.\
I love IM bots for mobile stuff. Short messages, text interface, no waiting for images and pages to download that may or may not render on the Sidekick’s craptacular browser. I use ZolaOnAOL to get headlines, and play games while waiting in lines. I hear there’s a mythical bot for MapQuest too, but I haven’t found that one yet.\
AOLJournals will let you post to an AOL blog, but yeah… I know most people who read this don’t have one of those.\
Any other IM bots I should know about?


One response to “Yellow Pages on the Go”

  1. The Mighty Tim Avatar

    I hear C3PO will be answering questions about recipes soon for AOL.