Category: blogging

  • The Women Bloggers Are Right Here

    Molly asked the question and I’m here to provide an answer. It may seem strange that a white male is providing the answer, but I step in and help where I can. Even though we pale males are over-represented in the blog-o-whirl, we still serve a purpose sometimes.\
    I’m not sure why this is a question, but since it is, I’ll provide an answer. I don’t know why there aren’t more women at the “top” of the blogging heap. But, I think that question is the wrong one to ask. Blogging isn’t, and shouldn’t be a popularity contest, and it’s certainly not a heap. It’s a community, and each person’s blog is their front porch. How many people you have who come to your front porch isn’t as important as the people you want to come to your front porch. If you write for your family, and they’re the ones who come visit, you’re a success as a blogger. If you’ve made progress on whatever goal you’re trying to accomplish by having a blog, then you’re a successful blogger. Stratifying everyone is an old-world paradigm, that I think is damaging to the medium. I could care less how popular a blog is. If the writing grabs me, and the blogger expresses themselves in a unique and personal way, I’d consider their blog successful.\
    The first blogs I found were written by women, and they’re well-represented on this list. Here’s my list, in no particular order other than the order they happened to show up in NetNewsWire:

    • Heather Armstrong
    • Heather Lawver (I got her started blogging… yay me)
    • Jodi
    • Suzie
    • Lifehacker
    • Rashunda
    • Jessa
    • Betsy Devine
    • Bazima
    • Melly
    • Meg
    • Andrea
    • Molly
    • Chelsea
    • Sarah
    • Gail\
      I got into blogging because of Megnut and Heather Champ. So, my view of what makes a blog a blog was formed by reading their words, which may be why I consider all these women successful bloggers. I never look at their “stats” or see how many other people are reading them. They’re just good people, good writers, and all have interesting things to say. Isn’t that enough to consider someone a “success”? The people who make the most noise are probably always going to be at the “top” in terms of stats, and they’ll probably all be men. We know how to make noise and cause trouble. You can look at the state of the world, and it becomes painfully apparent. But, is that success? There are probably just as many women blogging now as men, maybe more. Isn’t that some measure of success?
  • Redesign In Progress

    Got tired of waiting… I’m not done, but you get the idea. More colors! Some re-arranging of stuff! A little more art, and hopefully some good stuff. I just passed 1500 posts on this blog. This will be 1505. 1500 was, appropriately enough, this one.\
    I started blogging almost five years ago (there’s still a huge mass of entries under the Blogger Entries category that I’m slowly whittling down into their appropriate category). I’ve had this orange color scheme for a couple of those years, and while I still love orange, it’s time to branch out (thanks to the super cool Color Scheme Generator).\
    Over the last five years, I’ve posted over 1700 pictures, and several dozen posts on other blogs around both internal and external blogs.\
    Look for me to finish up the redesign in the next week or so.

  • Taggy Goodness

    If you’ve got a keen eye, you may notice some changes around here. I’ve started playing with making my MT categories tag-like, and then using rel=”tag” on the categories to make them all Technorati friendly.\
    Why? I think it’s cool, which is the only reason to ever do anything on a blog.\
    My only issue now is getting Marsedit to create categories for me.

  • Tagged With “Love”

    On conference calls recently, I’ve been browsing Flickr tags. Here’s a handful of my favorites:

    Have I mentioned how much I love Flickr? I mean it, I really do.

    Oh, and this burning man photo is my current favorite photo. It’s spiffy.

  • Happy in Many Languages

    Hey look, I may be sick, but I can make people happy in many different languages. I think I comprehended most of it, and Beto’s very happy to have Movable Type installed on his iMac… and so am I.

    Yes, I’m still sick. Not sick enough to stay home (that’s a pretty high threshold for me), but sick enough that I can’t do much else besides work. I’m not keeping up with my blog reading, e-mail or anything else outside of work and home. I don’t have anything to say except my freakin’ head hurts. Why won’t this snot leave? Get out of my sinuses!!

  • OS X Blogging Tools Roundup

    After my full-time switch to OS X, I’m finding all kinds of great tools to make blogging easier and happier. This here is my incomplete list of things that make blog writing/reading life easier:

    • A Local Copy of Movable Type: I knew it made life easier, but when you use the same computer all the time, it makes having a goof-uppable version of everyone’s favorite personal CMS that much nicer.

    • NetNewsWire: It’s open all day long and grabs the latest blogging headlines hourly. It makes the day go by quicker and keeps me up-to-date on the latest gossip. It’s even better when used with…

    • Camino: I use Camino as my default browser. Why? Because you can set it to open sites opened by other applications in new tabs, and in the backgroud, which makes using NetNewsWire almost a religious experience, and also reduces desktop clutter.

    • Kung-Log: Manage your Movable Type blogs through this super-friendly little app. It’s got a great little editor built-in and other sweet tools for managing your blog.

    • Tyrantula: How quickly does your page load over dial-up? What’s actually on your page? Use this handy little app to find out. A great quick-and-painless page analyzer for OS X. Good, good stuff.

    • jEdit: This app runs a lot better now that Apple’s decided to give us Java 1.4.1. It has great tag completion and markup coloring. A solid text editor for those of us who can’t afford BBEdit.

    • Transmit: The best FTP program I’ve ever used on the Mac, OS 9 or X. The best part, it supports SFTP, and reads symlinks correctly!

  • In an attempt to woo

    In an attempt to woo me further, the lovely couple who give the world Movable Type released a new version yesterday with support for MySQL, which is kind of what I was waiting for. Now there’s no excuse other than time, and now that I’ve installed it once, I think I’d be OK installing it here. Look for neat-o stuff in the very near future (although I may wait until my vacation to do this).

  • So, I got Movable Type

    So, I got Movable Type installed on the uber-box (running, of course, AOLserver). It was surprisingly easy. I didn’t have a lot of the required Perl modules installed, but that was also extremely easy to fix.

    I may just have to go migrate myself. I don’t know about Jen and Max though. We’ll see, I guess. I am a little worried about migrating over almost 700 days worth of posts, and whether mozBlog will work with it.

    In other extreme navel gazing, I’m here at work early for a 9am meeting I don’t want to go to. How wrong is this? I have a 9am meeting today and tomorrow. At my early morning meeting tomorrow, I have to give a big presentation, which I’m not done with. Wish me luck.

  • So, my site’s been moved.

    So, my site’s been moved. I now have MySQL, PHP and all the other cool things that make things… ummm… yeah… cool. So, now that I have PHP and a database, should I do like everyone else and install Movable Type? I know there are other pieces of software out there that accomplish the same thing, should I use one of them? Should I stick with Blogger? Should I build my own? So many options!!

  • There’s nothing like coming in

    There’s nothing like coming in to work and running from the start. It’s 11am now, and I’ve been working on fire after fire since 8:45. It’s satisfying but exhausting. It’s time for a nap, I think. Has anyone else noticed that I post a lot more now that I’m using mozBlog?