Someone searched for “funny corporate whore” in Google and found me. I don’t know whether to be happy with the funny part or sad that I’m a whore. A quandry this early in the morning is not welcome.
Geeking Out At this very
Geeking Out
At this very moment I am installing RedHat 7.2 on my fancy new G4. How, you might ask? VirtualPC for OS X. Oh yes, this is a gigantic smile on my face.
“Men are like a fine
“Men are like a fine wine. They all start out like grapes, and it’s our job to stomp on them and keep them in the dark where they will mature into something you’d want to have dinner with” — Unknown Heroine
If you think you’ve done
If you think you’ve done it all on the web and there’s nothing cool left to build, check this out. Philip Greenspun strikes again. Being able to spend time with him last June when I went to Boston for sister’s award ceremony was an eye-opening experience. I’ve used that inspiration at work to crank out some pretty amazing stuff. Now, I’m starting his latest textbook, and damned if I don’t have a long way to go. It’s exciting and depressing at the same time. There are so many things that could be done, but not enough people doing them. It’s time to take your creativity and apply it to problems. Don’t build everything the same old way. Try something new. Take a chance. Hell, just go read the book and get inspired.
My friend Jon has volunteered
My friend Jon has volunteered to illustrate FlatCat for me. And now, I just need to write it. We’re going to turn it into a multi-million dollar franchise, like Barney or Blue’s Clues. Pretty soon, there will be FlatCat BathMats, Home Colostomy Kits, dolls, happy meals, books and a Christmas special with Bob Goulet as the voice the of FlatCat.
Sex and The City is
Sex and The City is back!! I know this is late, but thanks to TiVo, we didn’t watch it until last night. I forgot how much I missed the show. It’s the most perfect sitcom. It’s dirty and touching and funny all at the same time. It warms my little heart.
More Blogger Insider fun. I
More Blogger Insider fun. I have no idea how I’ll match the questions Mike got last time.
More from Gene Weingarten. In
More from Gene Weingarten. In his latest Below the Beltway column, Gene updates us on his article about the worst town in America. He found it in Battle Mountain, Nevada. The original article is here. Apparently, the publisher of the town’s local paper fired the editor over her jokingly agreeing with Gene about the whole thing. Gene’s application to be the new editor is priceless.
Or a story about a
Or a story about a kitten who gets run over and lives his life as FlatCat the Colostomy Kitty.
I’m thinking about writing a
I’m thinking about writing a book. I have a couple ideas, the obvious being a book on creating three-tiered applications with AOLserver. I know I’m not the perfect candidate, but I don’t see anyone else writing anything about AOLserver that’s done for the general public.
My other idea is a manual of style for large-scale web projects. I’ve heard all of the anecdotal ideas about where to put css tags and stuff, but nothing out there that a company or group could adopt like Robert’s Rules of Order for writing code. Proper tabbing, where to put graphics on the webserver, what order to put tag properties, etc. I’m pretty anal about all of that stuff at work, and well, I think it would be good to get some of it down on paper.
But now, it’s off to waste some time installing XP.