• PhotoDude does an excellent job

    PhotoDude does an excellent job of finding quotes about, and commenting on, the state of the world. A great source of small stories, larger ideas and scary concepts.

  • Damn you, IE5 for the

    Damn you, IE5 for the Mac!! Damn you!! I have all this cool stuff I want to do that works in IE 5 for the PC, and Mozilla for everything – and you’re the only one left who doesn’t work, but all those Mac People use you! What’s WRONG with you? Can’t you get updated or something? Is that too much to ask?

  • I have a new hero…

    I have a new hero… Too Much Coffee Man!! I remember him being cool when I was in high school, but I hadn’t thought about him until I saw him mentioned in a blog this morning. Too funny…

  • Yes, I’m still waiting on

    Yes, I’m still waiting on people to give me data that I can then manipulate and build things with. I’m waiting on things to be installed so I can use them. I’m waiting on people to figure out that they have a job to do and then do it. In the meantime, I’m using my mad webSkills © to build fabulous philanthropic things that will benefit mankind. Can I tell you what they are? Well, I’d rather not because I’m trying to be humble about the whole thing. But, it’s SO hard when it’s this cool. You know? I want to show everyone what I did (am doing – it’s not QUITE finished yet) and say, “See, ain’t this neat?” But, I’ll be good and save it.

    On a completely different note, I hate the networks. Their handling of their “entertainment” has been pretty sad so far. Case in point: NBC’s Third Watch ran a two hour docu-weepy about firefighters. Now, if it was called “Dateline” or “an NBC News Special”, that would be fine. But, they’re using the country’s pain, and these firefighters experiences as an advertisement for their crappy show. To make matters worse, the shows premiere next week actually has the balls to cover the days of 9/10 and 9/11 from their fictional characters points of view. I can’t believe it. I’m in shock that NBC could think that this is a good idea. West Wing’s tolerance info-mercial was bad enough. Now, they have to go and do this? I may never watch NBC again.

    Which bring up another TV point: Why don’t I care about the new season? There are three shows I watch with any enthusiasm now: The West Wing, Once and Again and That 70’s Show. Everything else could get cancelled and I wouldn’t care. I couldn’t sit through last week’s Survivor. I hate ER now. Maybe it’s because I crave news. Maybe I just don’t feel the need to be “entertained” by fiction as much now. I’d much rather watch a concert or a sporting event. I think it’s that nothing the networks could come up with could be as moving or traumatic as what’s been happening. In their attempts to recover they’re only making it worse.

  • I don’t believe I laughed,

    I don’t believe I laughed, but this is the funniest thing I’ve read in ages. Taliban Late-Night Comedy (via Elise, which I think was a Beethoven song, weren’t it?)

  • Best line of the day,

    Best line of the day, courtesy of Tom the Dancing Bug, “Will the enemy please identify itself? We’ve got some planes we’d like to use.”

  • “I thought Tony was

    “I thought Tony was fine,” Schottenheimer said. “He missed a few throws, but with the exception of Brett Favre everybody misses a few throws. What we want to do is keep working with the guys we’ve got and try to get Tony more and more comfortable with all the receivers.”

    That has got to be the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard out of a head coach’s mouth, and I’m including everything Jerry Glanville has ever said. The Redskins suck, and as long as Marty’s the coach, they will continue to suck. Tony Banks was NOT fine on Monday night. It’s not fine to fumble snaps, forget to go through your progressions and make stupid throws. Stephen Davis can’t get anywhere because the Offensive Line has been hideous since game one. Oh, and the fact that he doesn’t seem to want to get anywhere. No one on the team looks like they’re trying. They sit back on their heels and wait for the next bad thing to happen.

    How can they fix it? They need a top-flight VP of Football Operations to keep Daniel Snyder out of the football part of the team. Then, a top-flight GM to trade for good draft picks next year, and at least a decent coach. Marty is the whole thing, and is sucking wind at each position. He made no deals to get a decent quarterback, when everyone could tell that the system wouldn’t fit Jeff George. He’s not coaching his players; he’s yelling at them. He’s not making any moves in the right direction in any part of his job.

    It’s just sad that the Redskins have turned into such a mess, and they’ve done it in a very short period of time. It’s just amazing, isn’t it?

  • I find myself shaking my

    I find myself shaking my head a lot these days. I shake it when I hear of more anthrax cases popping up, when some idiot on the local news talks about things he knows nothing about, when people think that when the war in Afghanistan ends that the terrorism will stop. I’m just here shaking my head wondering how it came to this and not finding any answers.

  • If you’ve never heard it,

    If you’ve never heard it, Living Colour‘s version of These Memories Can’t Wait is just the greatest song to hum along with while eating your morning bagel.

    I’ve also been listening to a lot of Bela Fleck recently, and I just have to say how great Tales From the Acoustic Planet is. It has it all, and just gets better the more I listen to it.