• Building a Tribe in Savannah

    Since we moved to Savannah, I’ve been trying to find the time to start up a Refresh group here (you know, like RefreshDC). Well, I took a little time out at work today, and here we are: Refresh Savannah!\
    It’s very minimalist right now, and I still need to pick a date that will work and a venue, but it’s a start. And a start is good enough for now.\
    If you’re a web person (developer, designer, project manager, whatever), you live in or near Savannah and you’re looking for peers to hang out with and learn from… please get involved. It’ll be very informal and should be a lot of fun (and only happens once a month).

  • A new way to tell that I am O-L-D.

    Max and Brian are in Virginia this week visiting Kevin’s family while I unpack. Yay for everyone involved, right? All of the bedrooms in the new rental house are painted brown. This is fine for most of the rooms, but not the boys’ room. I immediately started thinking of ways to lighten and brighten it. I told the boys I would decorate their room while they were away. (They get no input, mwuhahaha.) Anyway. Max is now nine, which is way too old for the awesome little kids stuff we have. Kevin and I went to the mall to look for “cool” bedroom stuff. We hit Hot Topic first. I could not stop laughing at us in there. We’re no longer in our 20s, remembering all of the time and money we spent there. That would be bad enough, being out of place by half of a decade or so. Oh, no. We were there to SHOP FOR OUR SON.

  • We have internet, wheeeee!

    Lots of stupid, lame things happened that made the move annoying. But we are here now, with all major appliances working. I am trying to get the house in order and home-ified before my parents come next week. I can’t wait for their visit.\
    Aunt Edna wanted to know if we ended up renting the fancy, white one. No, we didn’t. It was two-story, which seems like such a pain after living in a ranch-style house. Yay to no more stairs!

  • Radio Silence

    We moved last weekend, which meant getting utilities hooked up and things transferred over. Thanks to some confusion/idiocy on the part of AT&T, we still don’t have internet access at home – hence our complete radio silence this week. I’ve been too busy at work (I’m in a meeting now and only half-listening – don’t tell) to even think about blogging.\
    We’ll hopefully have internet access this weekend, and things can go back to “normal”.

  • How to Stay Inspired After SxSW Podcast Is Up!

    Now, you can all hear the madness of our panel, even if you can’t see it. It’s too bad you can’t, because you’re missing me beaning unsuspecting audience members with saltwater taffy, the confetti cannon and the awful sight of me getting my swerve on (I hope I used that correctly).\
    I know I haven’t written much about SxSW since I got back, but as I predicted in the panel, the daily routine has eaten my soul – plus the stresses of moving. Thankfully, I followed my own advice and took a lot of notes during panels, and then made a list of what I want to do with what I learned. More will be divulged later, but now I need to get the kids ready for school.

  • Quickie Update

    We’re moving this weekend, yay. The house is a more worn than the one we are in now, but it is in a better location and much cheaper, so yay. Best of all, we won’t be kicked out of it! (Knock on wood.)\
    The boys are both doing well in school and are feeling better.\
    Kevin is busy at work. I am not sure how he is feeling though.\
    The End.

  • My SxSW Schedule

    In case you want to follow along at home, here’s what I’m planning on doing. It’s all subject to change, but at least I have a plan.

    Oh, and this made me laugh so hard, I almost evacuated my bowels.

  • Bummer!

    I didn’t pay attention to the school’s schedule which is really a shame because I missed out on the perfect opportunity to sneak up to Virginia so the boys could see the Lawver clan. Max has a half day on Friday for teacher’s planning and is off Tuesday for St. Patrick’s Day. (Yes, you read that right, the schools are closed for St. Patrick’s Day.) Taking Max out for a day and a half, we could’ve enjoyed four whole days in Virginia. Boo to my lack of planning. Remind me about this next year, ok?\
    Speaking of days off, Kevin has an uncanny ability to be out of town when Max has a day off. Hmmmmmm.

  • The Unofficial Theme Song of The International Day of Awesomeness

    Suggested via twitter by Kelly O (who’s in the band).\
    Favorite line? “Yeah, I beat you, cuz I’m awesome!”\
    How can it not be the unofficial theme song of our unofficial holiday (that was yesterday, but you’re welcome to celebrate it any ol’ day you want)?