Microformats a Go-Go

One day last week while the boys were watching TV, I decided to finally get this here blog up-to-date with microformats, especially since I’m all for them and keep telling people to use them. Might as well take my own medicine, right?\
As of sometime last week, the front page has three separate hAtom feeds and each entry has an hCard on it. I’ve been trying to find time to redo my resume (no, I’m not looking, this is just an excuse to use hResume), but haven’t had time (working nights and weekends will do that to you, along with the fact that I really need a haircut).\
I didn’t have time to remove the classes I had on there before and change the CSS, so the source looks a little cluttered, and nothing’s been done to the archives. I just didn’t have time (running theme, I know).\
If you see anything wrong, please let me know so I can fix it.


One response to “Microformats a Go-Go”

  1. Patrick Avatar

    Very cool. Tails lights up saying there’s microformats and my hCard Greasemonkey script shows up by your names. hResume is a fun one. I did the same thing (like you, not looking, just an excuse to reformat it) and it took me a few iterations to get it “right.”