Today is Kevin and my 10 year anniversary. Woot. I’m not surprised that we are this happy but I am surprised how easy marriage has been. The media gives marriage a bad name, I think.\
Sunshine still flies out of our asses even though we’ve gained weight, have hair growing out of new places, and started snoring. Of the past ten years, I remember: trying to fool around in our hotel room the night before Kevin’s brother’s wedding and being interrupted every ten minutes by various family members; getting in over my head while painting the guest room and sheepishly asking him to finish the room; and being grateful that he doesn’t fuss when the house is a mess and dinner hasn’t been made. Kevin remembers our cross-country move a year after we were married; and learning about our first child by walking in the front door and immediately being greeted by me asking, “Do you want to take your pregnant wife out to dinner?” We’ve also had fun vacations and holidays and big moments like the birth of our children, broken legs, world travel, postpartum depression, and huge promotions. Mostly, though, it is the small things that stand out. It’s been a great and fun ten years. We think the next ten years will be even better. Hurray!\
Kevin is out of town today, which is totally ok with me. In fact, it was my idea so that he could come home for a few days and rest up before going on another trip. That’s more important in the long run and that’s how awesome I am. 🙂 We celebrated our anniversary early and it was fab. To be honest, I am more sad that Kevin will be missing the Super Bowl than our anniversary or Valentine’s Day. Those last two occasions can be “moved” to other days, but I don’t think the Super Bowl can be postponed just for us. Too bad.