Ficly: Live After Ficlets

Like a phoenix from the ashes, something new is in the process of being born. I give you ficly. It’s not much now, but we’re working on it in our spare time. Jason (he was the driving force that brought everything together) has been pushing things forward while my job’s been crazy and while I recover from my epic sinus infection. He got the awesome folks at Viget Labs to help us out with the visual design, which you can get a taste of on the landing page. Right now, all you can do is sign up to be notified when we launch… and that’s about it. But, we’re slowly making progress and I hope to have something for real up in the next couple months (maybe by ficlets’ 2nd birthday at the beginning of March).\
Why do this when I have a full-time job (a more than full-time job, really)? I need a hobby, and I feel a responsibility to the ficlets community. If AOL’s going to abandon them, I’m not. Nothing made me angrier in my last couple years at AOL than when the company shut down products without giving the communities that loved them a place to go. I never quite understood how the company could repeatedly stab their users in the back and then expect them to remain loyal to the brand. And now that it’s happening to my users, well, there’s something I can do… so I am. First, I’m working on a “memorial” to ficlets that will preserve all the stories and keep them pretty much as they are now. That’s pretty much done, I just need to clean a few things up and get it installed in production and it’ll be ready to go. I plan on launching it on the 16th, the day after ficlets shuts down.\
Ficly may take a while to get done. It’s strictly a part-time thing for all of us. But, I’m not done exploring short fiction and community. I never got to “finish” with ficlets (that’s a story I’ll also probably never tell), and there are some experiments I want to try that I’ll never get to do working with music technology (my day job).\
I hope you’ll come along for the ride. We’ve got some fun stuff planned.


8 responses to “Ficly: Live After Ficlets”

  1. Brian Wynne Williams Avatar

    Hey Kevin — Thanks for asking us to help … and for calling us “awesome!” We’re excited about the new site, it’s coming together well. Kudos to you for caring about the community. Very cool!

  2. Zack Steinkamp Avatar

    Hi Kevin —
    Not sure how involved you are/were with circaVie, but it’s too bad that service is also shutting down.
    I’m the CTO for Dipity, and today we released a circaVie importer.
    Our goal isn’t to get a bump in registered user stats, but to help anyone out that spent a lot of time putting data into circaVie who wants to keep their timeline alive.
    Best of luck with ficly. I’ll have a look now.
    Take care,

  3. tobias s buckell Avatar

    Congrats on getting a replacement together. Ficlets was a great concept, glad to see it continuing.

  4. The Mighty Tim Avatar
    The Mighty Tim

    Hooray for ficly! Sounds even cuter than the original.

  5. g2 (lpi) Avatar
    g2 (lpi)

    I’m so glad you’ve been working on ficly (heehee, I like the name). I commend you on your unwaivering efforts. I wish I could say something more, but I’m afraid the limits of language wouldn’t do my praise justice.

  6. Will Avatar

    Kevin, thank you for Ficlets and thank you in advance for Ficly. I can’t wait to point my eyes at it and toss some words into it. Let me know if I can be of help.

  7. Tom (Never Explain from ficlets) Avatar
    Tom (Never Explain from ficlets)

    I can’t thank you enough, Kevin. I’m really excited for ficly and I really want to say, again, thank you for doing this for us.

  8. Oy Avatar

    The ficly homepage just crashed for me… Maybe because I just subscribed to my comment feed via an rss to email client. Hope not. If so, you have no Idea how sorry I am