Author: Kevin Lawver

  • Max Will Be So Happy

    I just checked the listings and The Wiggles are going to be on Crocodile Hunter tonight. Can you believe it? Is Steve going to feed Dorothy some raw chicken? Feed Jeff to Monty? Let Terri run off with the primary colored lotharios who make such great fruit salad, fruit salad? The dramatic possibilities are too much to bear!! Rest assured, it will be TiVoed and Max and I will hang on every word.

  • Windows Out of Time?

    How funny is this? I’m updating the computer Jen uses (our Windows XP box that we’re currently too poor to replace with a shiny new Mac) with the latest Mozilla and AOL clients and realize the time is 10 minutes fast. So, I go to Adjust Date/Time and try to sync with It fails. OK… so I remember that I use on my Powerbook, which always works, so I try it. What do you know, it worked!

  • The Prayerists

    I don’t even know how to write about this story about “The Foundation”, it’s so out there and scary. Even if some of it’s true, if any of it’s true, I’m afraid for the world.

    I don’t even know what to say. It’s the mother of all conspiracy theories. Just getting my head around the concept of this Fundamentalist Christian, Old Testament based fascist terrorist organization (only with better suits, even more money and better connections), organized in small cells and ingratiated in the highest levels of goverments all over the world is too much to take in all at once. Even if it’s not true at all, the story is amazing.

    I know this doesn’t make any sense. I’m floored. I’m gonna go back to playing with tDOM and pretend I didn’t read that over my roast beef sandwich.

  • Get Me My Tricorder!

    Wow… it’s a handheld cancer detector! Next, we need transporters and phasers. We can do without the skintight polyester “Space Dance Revue” unitards. Onwards towards a rosey Rodenberry future!

  • CSS Tabs Hiding And Showing

    I was playing around with li:hover from all those CSS Tabs and Submenus examples that have been popping up on the it-ner-web and decided that it woudl be fun if I could do the same thing with content. It’s a little messy and so far only works in Mozilla, but it’s funny: Tab Content – Hiding and Showing Stuff with li:hover.

    If anyone can get it working in IE 6 and/or Safari, ping this post or leave a comment with the url and let me know! I’d work on it, but I’m out of time for today – playtime is over.

  • The Wire – Season Two – Watch It!

    A great article on teevee on what’s great about The Wire. I agree 100%. It’s an amazing show. It’s everything Homicide was in its heyday (the Luther Mahoney era) and more. The way Jimmy stuck it to Rawles this week was the funniest, most evil thing I’ve ever seen on TV and I could not stop laughing. If you like TV that doesn’t tell you what to think, or need everything spelled out for you to enjoy a show – watch it. You won’t regret it.

  • The Weight Of Things

    It’s been awhile since I posted my weight in bold. Did you notice? I did. I had a little setback and fell off the skinny wagon. I got all the way back up to 293 before catching myself (thanks to a new-hole-ripping by my doctor). I blame it partly on my knee and partly on work-stress – oh, and partly on me being hungry all the time. But, I’m back on the wagon, thanks to the previously mentioned hole-ripping from the good doctor. I’m back on the skinny wagon and am down to my lowest weight of the trip: 282.5, that’s a pound and half lower than my previous low: 284. That brings the grand total of fat lost from this frame to: 43.5 pounds. That’s like taking a Max-sized chunk out of my body.

    How did I do it? The first thirty-five pounds came off through diet and a little exercize. I stopped drinking soda altogether, stopped eating my traditional bagel and cream cheese for breakfast, started eating salads for lunch, stopped snacking, and held myself to one serving at dinner. It was actually not that hard to keep up for the first four months or so. Then, as soon as the stress at work began, I started slipping. I didn’t go back to chugging Code Red and eating bagels, but I ate more. I snacked more. I ate more at dinner, and I stopped eating salads for lunch. I figured I “owed” it to myself. The pounds creeped back on, and I got angry with myself. Did I stop? No, the anger only made me hungrier – so I ate. I went back to the doctor and my blood pressure was back up. He prescribed more drugs, and well, here I am – duly humbled and taking more drugs.

    For a couple days, I felt like a complete failure. After hurting my knee working out, and then the doctor, I was a wreck: depressed, insomniac, tired. Not only did I hurt myself trying to be good (working out), but I couldn’t keep the weight off. Now, the doctor had given me the ultimate insult – he prescribed an appetite suppressant. I actually cried on the way back from the appointment.

    Now? I’m not so bad. I’m not a failure. Overeating is a disease, just like alchoholism. It’s an addiction like heroin. It’s hard to break, and next to impossible to overcome forever. So, I need a little medicinal help. I admit it. I’m not strong enough to conquer the entire mountain by myself. I did a damn good job losing thirty-five pounds on my own, finding my own bad habits, fixing them, and not cheating for a good four months. Now, I need help to go the rest of the way to 200. Eighty-two and a half pounds is a lot to lose without help. I’m already at a disadvantage with one twice-operated on knee and a weird ankle that’s never been quite right since that horrible sprain ten years ago. I’ll take whatever help I can get.

  • He Van Rundy Off

    Good call, Jeff. Let’s see, coach the Rockets or the Wizards. One of them has a good nucleus, a history of success, a decent chance of being competetive next year. The other has no hope, no superstar, no will, an owner older than Moses and an organization in turmoil who’s chewed up and spit out four coaches in the last five seasons. I’m sure that was a hard decision to make.

    I like Jeff Van Gundy. He was great as the Knicks coach. He, Mike Fratello and Marv Albert were a good TV crew for TNT this year. He’ll be a great coach for the Rockets. Would he have been successful with the Wizards? Maybe, but he has a lot more tools in Houston. He has a team that looked good at times last year, and just needs a little maturity. The Wizards have several holes, players who gave up on their coach last year, and the shadow of Michael Jordan looming over them. Maybe now that Jordan’s gone, things will be better for the Wizards, but I doubt it.

    Why am I writing about this? I don’t even know. I don’t like the Wizards. I’ve still not given up my allegience to my two west coast teams (Utah and Phoenix, although now that Malone’s probably gone and Stockton’s retired, not sure what’s keeping me rooting for Utah other than Mr. Sloan). DC will always be the Redskins’ town anyway, unless the Wizards are really good, and who can honestly say they see that coming?

  • Were They Wearing Nametags?

    The Mormon crickets are invading!!! You know, if those crickets had their food storage, they wouldn’t have to go grazing on Sunday.

  • Bush In Trouble?

    Could Bush be impeached? It’s a great article on the possible manipulation by the Administration in making the case for the war in Iraq to the country and the world.

    It makes me think of this post from Michelle at A Small Victory about babies being buried alive by the Iraqi government. Her opinion is that because of this and other finding, the war was justified. I don’t disagree one hundred percent. But, what I’m left pondering is if the ends justify the means when it comes to war.

    I think they don’t. As criminal as it is, there are other countries whose human rights abuses are more egregious and long-standing than those of Iraq. China, North Korea, several Arab and African states and the old Soviet Union all have or had horrible records on human rights that never led us to war with them. If we had made the case for war on Iraq based on the human rights abuses, would we have gone to war? Would the government even have made the case?

    If the President and the people who work for him lied to us about the threat to our national security and went to war for other reasons, is that wrong? Is it impeachable? I would certainly think so. Let’s get some perspective. President Clinton, who lied about his relationship with an intern, was impreached and censured by the Senate. President Bush may have lied to the American people and the world about the threat posed by Saddam Hussein and either exaggerated or outright lied about the existance of Weapons of Mass Destruction that may have been sold to terrorists and therefore posed a threat to our country. Which one is worse? If true, and the President and his Administration pushed into war using false, fabricated, hyperbolized or editorialized intelligence, I would fully support him being impeached, and him possibly being charged with treason.

    I supported President Clinton being impeached and censured. Not because he lied about the whole Lewinsky affair, but because he took avantage of an employee and then covered it up. It was sexual misconduct, and possibly sexual harrassment – especially if you consider the ends he went to to get Lewinsky employment after the affair. I’m sure those same efforts weren’t extended for other interns.

    Back to the question at hand. I don’t disagree that Hussein was a bad guy (still is if he’s alive), and that getting rid of him wasn’t an entirely bad thing. His people will probably eventually be better for it. Will we? Did it serve to improve our security? I’m not sure it did. The way things are shaping up, they may end up with a radical Islamic theocracy aligned with Iran. That seems much worse to me than the agnostic, crazy yet predictable despot there before.

    If the President lied to us about this, what else has he lied to us about? What lengths will he go to to get his way?