Author: Kevin Lawver

  • Reconciliation

    So, this is what I wanted to write about yesterday that I didn’t get to because I got sidetracked by the worst day in many. I was watching The Real World this weekend. Yes, I know, how can any serious thought be undertaken even vaguely related to anything shown on that show in the past four or five years. But, I did manage to glean some useful information about myself by watching the kids on the show implode on their relationships. This season, everyone has relationship problems, with each other, with themselves, family, lovers, etc. Kyle, the Ken-doll future politician is extremely aware of his appearance on the show, and the way he’s portrayed. He’s so obsessed with it that when anyone brings it up, he explodes in a fit of narcissistic rage.

    I’ve figured out what their problem, and mine, is. They have these personas that they present to people in different arenas of their lives. They have their work self, their home self, relationship self, family self and hopefully a real self in there somewhere. The problem with being on a show like The Real World is all of those selves are on display for the world to see. The more variance there is in each of these “selves”, the worse you come off on the show (or any reality show). I have the same problem. I don’t know that anyone notices, or is bothered by it, but I am. I have three selves I’ve noticed in myself so far:

    • My Work Self: I swear at work. I used to swear a lot. I’m sometimes a big fat jerk (fat is a theme that runs through all of these).

    • My Church Self: I don’t swear at church. I’m never a big fat jerk. I’m amiable and friendly and churchy on the outside.

    • My Home Self: I swear a little at home. I’m not as confident. I’m usually not a big fat jerk, but I’m not sure I’m not enough of the time.

    The problem as I see it is that I need to reconcile my selves. I’m at a point where I don’t want all this baggage, and don’t want to feel like I’m lying to myself. So, how do I do it? Which self is really me?

  • Like a Hoover

    So, why have I posted four (now five) times today? Because today sucks. I got hit in the head with an “emergency” caused by someone else, found by me, which I then had to fix while everyone stood over my shoulder and watched. I had to explain several dozen times what the problem was, why it was bad, what we had to do to fix it, and then have them all look at me like I was behind glass sitting in a tire swing with my hand full of my own waste. Then, not only did I have to go into histrionics explaining it, I had to try and work on someone else’s code while being watched, which is not good for my blood pressure. So, now, it’s all fixed. QA’s looking at it, which shouldn’t take long, and doesn’t require me to do anything except wait by the phone for bugs. So, I’m sitting here doing nothing, listening to the blood pound in my ears and wanting desperately to be somewhere else.

  • Whoopsie-Daisy – No Root? No Love, Baby.

    For whoever searched for “can’t login root on YellowDog”, ummm, sorry. If you forget the root password, you’re pretty much hosed. You hopefully set yourself up as a normal user and you remember that password. Even so, you’ll never be able to install another RPM or setup any new services. Yeah, you’re in a world of trouble. The only way to get the root password is to set a new one, and the only way to do that is to start aaa-aaaaaall over by reinstalling.

  • Tough Shmough

    Ok, post #6 – if President Bush (jr) really wanted to get tough on corporate crime, forget about doubling the trifling fines and country-club jail terms that usually get cut down to “time served” or commuted altogether. How about charging the CEO, CFO and involved members of the board of companies guilty of fraud and “funny” accounting under RICO? Then, you could forget about fines and go straight for the jugular and seize their personal assets. That would be the ultimate “fine”. Reduce them to the state they reduced their shareholders and employees to. Yeah (insert righteous indignation here)!!

  • Seriously, It’s Movable!

    I have some serious stuff I want to write about today or tomorrow, but I’m going to wait until I’m more awake before I do it. I got Movable Type installed on the Powerbook yesterday because I realized I’m never going to get anything done if I work on this stuff just at lunch. So, I spent an hour last night playing with the new template. The layout’s all done, and let me tell you, it’s butt-ugly without the stylesheet to go with it. But, the good news is it built and all the right information is showing up. Stuff is coming along… stay tuned.

    In completely unrelated news, I found this goofy CD on a friend’s computer. The MP3’s have no track names, and I doubt this is really the name of the CD, but it shows promise. The first song is this weird techno mix of Rock Lobster by the B-52’s.

  • There are only 63 days

    There are only 63 days until the start of the NFL season, and the first payment of this years NFL Season Ticket just showed up on my DirecTV bill. Now I just have to survive the rest of the summer. There’s something horrible about watching SportsCenter and seeing only baseball.

  • We’re making marshmallows tonight! I

    We’re making marshmallows tonight! I am so excited. The recipe looks really simple and if we get brave we may try making chocolate ones as well. Then tomorrow, it’s over to my parents’ house for the big barbecue and s’mores for dessert.

    In other insane the-end-must-be-near news, Jen and I beat her parents at pinochle!! To set this up for you, her parents have been married for almost three decades, and have been pinochle partners the whole time. Jen and I have been together for almost six years, and only play pinochle when we’re around them. So, this was a momentous occasion. It was unbelievable. Helped by my double-run in spades and dumb luck, we pulled off a herioc victory and exulted much into the night.

    After winning, we promptly dropped the next two games in our usual “not a bang, but a whimper” fashion.

  • I am so ready for

    I am so ready for a four day weekend…. so tired… need nap… tired of people screwing up and having to cover for them…. tired of screwing up and making other people cover for me.

  • And he was sitting on

    And he was sitting on the counter because we were brushing his teeth. Jen’s standing right next to him and me right in front him. He was in no danger at all, I promise.