Mom, thanks for never sending me to vacation bible school.
Author: Kevin Lawver
Apparent Gayness
I have no idea why I thought of this guy today, but I did. In my one year at BYU, I met some pretty interesting (well, as interesting as Mormons get) people. There was a guy who lived across the hall named John. He was slight, had a slight lisp, was into drama and opera, and wasn’t into sports at all. I asked him one day, being the 18 year-old idiot that I was, if he got asked if he was gay a lot.
Gay is a dirty word in Utah. I think it’s officially been added to the words you can’t say on TV. When I asked him, he practically broke down. He told me the story of his trip to Paris and guys hitting on him constantly. He told me about the looks he got in church back home, and now the looks he was getting at school. I felt really bad for him. Here was a guy who was just who he was. He didn’t try too hard to change to make himself look or act more macho. He didn’t even try that hard to dispell the rumors.
I don’t know what he’s doing now, and I don’t think I’ve thought of him more than twice in the 8 years since that conversation. I hope he’s happy, and being accepted for who he is and not what bucket people think he fits in.
Religious Kitsch
Religious Kitsch – and I thought Mormons were embarrassing.
Aborted Griping
I was going to write a dissertation on thinking “out of the box”, but t’ain’t the season for work griping.
In the spirit of not griping, I give you this morning. When I got up, I was sure it had snowed. I looked out over the top of our bathroom curtains and saw the clouds laying low in a grey cottony carpet over the cemetary across the street. Then, as I walked farther into the bathroom, I saw that the cemetary hill was still green, and it had in fact just rained.
I’ve been praying for snow lately. I know as soon as it shows up, I’ll pray for it to leave. I want to take Max out in the snow. Last year, he was a little young to play in it, but this year, I think he’ll be snow-crazy, and so will I. There’s something magical about a kid’s first real snow day, making his first snowball, first snow angel and catching his first snowflake on his nose.
Come on, snow, come on!!
A Larry King Moment
For my money, there isn’t a song that’s sexier than You Look Like Rain by Morphine.
The Undeniable Lack of Panic
Today was supposed to be a busy mess of QA, Launch and otherworldly stress. Instead, 30 minutes after the stress started, it was all called off because someone, somewhere, with letters after their name decided this was a bad idea and let’s not do it. So, all the stress and work I had geared up for never happened, and I now have nothing to do. It’s all well and good, but now I’ve read all my favorite blogs, added stuff to my Amazon Wish List, ordered a gift for someone, looked for some way to get Ximian GNOME installed in YellowDog 2.1, played with iMovie a little, talked about TiVo, went and bought a Dr. Pepper and now… squat-all.
Could I leave early and go to the Price Club for a gigantic box of diapers? Yeah, I probably could and no one would even notice. Could I curl up under my desk and take a nap? I probably could, although someone would probably notice my size twelves sticking out into the hallway.
I could do something productive like redesign my work homepage or read all those C books I’ve been meaning to. Will I? You can rest assured that I won’t be doing either of those things.
Max’s Wall Monkey, because monkey
Max’s Wall Monkey, because monkey = funny. I finally got a good capture of the monkey my sister and I painted on Max’s wall for his birthday (thank you, iMovie!).
And if you’re the guy
And if you’re the guy who searched for “YellowDog + OS X + Triple Booting”, you’re in luck. Check out the geekery. I posted my step-by-step triple-boot happiness last week.
This Modern World could not
This Modern World could not be more brilliant this fine Monday morning.
And completely unrelated to that other than the fact that’s it’s not a phantom of lost anything, Max is too great. His little self slept in this morning and didn’t make a peep until I was getting ready to leave. He usually wakes up and plays in his room for a while (somewhere between 20 – 45 minutes depending on whimsy, I think). So, I walked out the door and looked up. What did I see, but my little boy looking out the window. I waved. He waved. I smiled. He smiled around his pacifier with his curly hair sticking out at all angles. He pointed at the clouds and then waved again.