Author: Kevin Lawver

  • Less Than Lucid Musings

    I’m fighting a wicked sinus infection. Jen and Max are at church, and I’m sitting here with the laptop, wrapped up in my blanket, watching Meet the Press and reading my favorite blogs.

    I’ve been thinking recently about why personal journals and blogs fascinate me. For me, it’s the chance to get a glimpse into lives of people I’d never meet otherwise. Whether it’s a freelance translator in France, a college librarian in Texas, a single web designer in Minneapolis or any of the other dozen and a half blogs I check out on a mostly daily basis, I enjoy seeing the pieces of their lives they share through their sites. Most of them are much better writers than I am, and have no problem sharing their feelings on the topics they discuss.

    These people are strangers. They’re strangers who in a lot of cases I consider friends, even though we’ve never met or done more than exchange a couple e-mails. It’s another strange witness to the power and mystery of interpersonal interaction on the internet.

    I’m going to go make some hot chocolate and lay down. I can’t stop coughing, and I think my face is going to pop.

  • Freedom!!

    Nine days. I have nine days off in a row. I don’t believe it. It’s too good to be true. I have a terrible feeling that I won’t get to take all nine off because something will break at work, someone will need me to rescue them from either their own incompetance or implement somethin that will make somebody a whole lot of money.

    Every time I’ve tried to take a vacation this year, I’ve had to move something around. I have to go back to work, do something and mess up our plans. Please, not this week.

    I like what I do. I’m good at it. Whenever I look at where I am, I think back to my interview for this job over two years ago. The guy interviewing me asked what I wanted to be doing in six months. I said I wanted to be the go-to guy. I want to be the guy people come to when something needs doing. I’m that guy. Then he asked what I wanted to be doing in 5 years. I said I wanted to be running a big site like Amazon (yeah, shoot for the moon). Well, it’s almost three years later and I’m the only production guy on one of the most-used search engines on the web. There’s a whole team for the backend. A whole team that keeps it up and running. I am the only guy who works on the frontend and middleware pieces. And now, I’ve got a dozen other search projects that I’m the only frontend guy on. I guess I’m running a collection of sites that gets (I think) more hits than Amazon on any given day. How crazy is that? How messed up is the world that I’m the only guy for these projects?

    You know, this stuff is bad for my ego. It’s made me arrogant. I’m trying not to be, I swear I am. I know I’m in the position I’m in because my group has made some really bad decisions over the years, letting the wrong people get away, while replacing them with people with little-to-no talent or imagination. That means that they make up for the lack of talent in most by overworking those that have some. That’s also the way they lose good people. It’s a vicious cycle, and now the economics of everything mean we’re not hiring. So, it will be this way for the foreseeable future. What a downer…

  • Vacation, Vacation, Vacation!

    I’m off all next week and then two days the week after. It’s one of the perks (I guess) of being overworked: lots of unused vacation time. I had 160 hours of time I had to use before the end of the year, so I’m doing my best to use it. Updates will be lighter (maybe) next week, as I gear up for TurkeyDay!

    I’m going to try to be involved in most of the cooking this year, just to get comfortable working with a turkey. I helped last year, but I wasn’t real comfortable. This year is the year to get into it and really make it work. Yeah! Turkey!!

    Can you tell Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday? It’s better than Christmas, Easter, Halloween, Arbor Day – all of ’em. I’m not even sure why. I just love it.

  • Funny angry ladies make me

    Funny angry ladies make me giggle: Anyone who titles a blog entry “Drunk Underpants Remodeling Again” deserves all the traffic they can handle.

  • I love Salon’s comics. Today’s

    I love Salon’s comics. Today’s is excellent.

    And on a completely unrelated topic, there’s nothing greater than coming downstairs to see your wife and toddler son boogying down to the Propellerheads (in the new iPod commercial – me likey).

  • I only got a 36

    I only got a 36 on the Blogaholic quiz. Maybe that’s why no one comes here (well, other than the gigantic black hole where the content should be).

  • Rapidly Developing

    A few bits of news from the home front:

    1. My brother and dad got back from Battlebots a couple days ago and regaled us with lots of cool stories about geeks and their remote-controlled mayhem machines. I think I’ll enter a lightweight next time or the time after it. I’m still working on names (which really is the most important part of the whole process). My brother’s bot has a great name: Hazardous Waste of Time. You’d be able to see it on TV, but his battery cable snapped in his first fight, so he’ll only ever show up in crowd shots. Next time!!
    2. My super-cool project at work is going really well. I’m almost done with what I can do at the moment, and so far it all works beautifully. I love feeling smart!
    3. I still hate Virginia state government. I’ll go into the whole sad, sordid tale when I get it resolved.
    4. I brokered a deal so I can carry over all my leftover vacation time. This means I’ll have beaucoup vacation time to use up next year. I’m thinking a month in Hawaii.
    5. My right wrist hurts from writing miles of Tcl and documentation. I need a nap.
    6. Can you tell that I like HTML lists?
  • Little Singing Sensation

    Max is two. He’s my son. So, use that information however you need to in order to process this story.

    Max has been singing a lot lately. Jen got him this little music set with a tambourine, two maracas and a little clapper thing. Max has taken to beating on the tambourine and singing a little song. He’s also started singing this song whenever he doesn’t have anything better to do. I was taking him home from the fam’s house last night and Max started singing in his carseat. I turned off the radio and tried to figure out if he was doing a song he’d heard before. I didn’t recognize the tune, but I did notice the structure. There are verses, a little chorus and a definite melody, which just amazes me. He’s TWO! He doesn’t talk much yet. Still, he knows the alphabet (and if forced, or thinks no one is looking) will say letters. He knows the planets and can point them out. He knows the difference between the moon and the stars. He can draw shapes and some objects (like a house, a bird, etc). And, if the little guy weren’t amazing enough, he composes little songs in his head!! And better yet, if he’s at home with his instruments, he’ll finish a verse, yell “Yay!” and do a little Max bow/courtsy.

    How did I get so lucky?