The Music Max

This started out as a response to Katie’s comment from Kevin’s most recent post, but I decided to make this a post on its own.\
I have a friend who only listens to kids music in the car, but I refuse to do that. The car is my domain. I listen to what I want and just turn the station if I hear an inappropriate song. When my oldest was 2, I realized he was singing along to “No Sleep Til Brooklyn.” Apparently the radio had played it enough that he knew the words. We sang it together at the top of our lungs. I knew then that I was either a really great mom or a really bad one.\
A couple of months later we went to visit my parents and I roped them into singing too, cuz how could they say no to their adorable, little, 2 year old grandson? One of the highlights of my life is seeing my 50-ish year old parents singing the Beastie Boys.

Categorized as Jen, Max, music

Great Country Farms

<p class=”photo”><a href=”” title=”photo sharing”><img src=”” alt=”” style=”border: solid 2px #000000;”></a></p>
<p><a href=””>Brian, High On Grass</a></p>
Jen’s parents are here, and we decided to take a drive out to Bluemont to show them the farm that’s going to send us fresh veggies all summer. We had a ball. Brian was a trooper, and was pleasant for the whole trip, even though he skipped his nap. We picked asparagus, got some fresh bacon, went through the willow maze, watched Max go down the slide, and Brian got to grab at the grass.\
There are a bunch of pics in the photoset

Out Of The Mouth Of Max

We were eating pizza tonight, and I was telling a story about my doctor. Max asked me why I went to the doctor, and I told him that my doctor was helping me lose weight. Max tilted his head to the side, pointed his little index finger up like a learned philosopher and said, matter of factly, “You know what they say, ‘Lose the fat for better sex.'”\
At moments like these, what do you do? Jen lost it in gales of giggles. Brian followed suit because Jen was laughing. I sat there, dumbfounded, and asked Max where he’d seen that. Of course, it’s from the cover of a grocery checkout magazine.\
It’s great having a kid who can read at a young age; but it creates its own unique challenges… and I need to lose some fat! Come on better sex!!

The Daring Young Man This

The Daring Young Man

This morning, after waking me up by crawling into bed with us and proceeding to kick me in the calves for about twenty minutes as he tried to use my legs as a blanket and dragging me downstairs, I was sitting on the couch, and Max was doing his Max thing. Max‘s “thing” includes drawing, spelling one or more of the thirty words he knows how to spell, jumping off the couch, singing, asking lots of questions about what just happened and making up songs that usually contain just two syllables repeated over and over and over to a tune he makes up as he goes.

Hopefully, I’ve set the scene properly for you. So, I’m watching something on TV, and Max is running around. Suddenly, he stops in front of the couch, puts his arms half-cocked at his sides, elbows in, hands out and begins grunting. He’s straining his shoulders down, chin out and making a lot of noise. Now, I’ve never seen Max do this before. Max does some funny stuff, but this took the cake. So, I asked him what he was doing. Max stopped grunting, turned to me with a look of indignation that I didn’t know what he was doing and said, “I’m trying to fly, daddy,” and went back to grunting.

He gave up on the grunting after a few seconds, and decided that the best way to get airborne was to jump off the couch, which he did several dozen times, flapping his arms madly between the couch and the ground. The couch is not a great height off the ground, so he got maybe two flaps in before he landed loudly on the floor, slapped the ground with his hands and started all over again.

He’s gonna fly some day, I swear.

Categorized as Max

I’m not the only one

I’m not the only one who thinks he’s brilliant. My sister tells a cute little story about my boy. He’s so smart, it’s scary. We’ve talked to enough people about his spelling and other reading-like capabilities that we know he’s really reading now. The scary part is, he’s really reading. He’s figured it out himself, mostly, which is the scariest part. He’s the best.

He was so cute this morning. I should have taken a picture. He ran into our room in his little running shorts wearing the funny blue cowboy hat Jen got him and singing. He wasn’t wearing a shirt, and he was just too cute for words.

More later on more stuff…

Categorized as Max

This one’s from Jen: Kevin

This one’s from Jen:

Kevin has been too busy to blog, so I am going to try to take up the slack. Some info about me: I am 28 (gasp!), graduate of U of Arizona, mom to super Max, and a Taurus. My hobbies include reading, lunching with the ladies, and decorating my house. Here is a list of things I love and hate:


  • Being married to Kev
  • This picture of Max
  • Buffy the Vampire Slayer
  • March Madness
  • The Olive Garden
  • Jason Biggs’ character in American Pie 2 said, “One time, at band camp…”


  • Laundry
  • Oz
  • Macaroni Grill
  • PT Cruisers

Here is a list about Max


  • Blue’s Clues
  • Lambie, his stuffed lamb
  • Aunt Heather and Uncle Steve, his favorite playmates
  • numbers and letters, he draws them constantly


  • Barney (ok, well, Max doesn’t really hate barney. I hate him for the both if us and he is strictly forbidden in the house)
  • Aunt Heather’s hair when straight (Max actually said, “I don’t like it… I don’t like it” when he first saw Aunt Heather’s hair straight from the salon)
  • Being pantless


I just like the word. I’m not really. I’m not even sorry that I haven’t been posting. I’ve been steadily busy on a host of important projects and thinking about a redesign. If my scanner was plugged in, I’d post some doodles. I’m thinking of abandoning my stolen spaceman and doing my own. Astronauts with pointed sticks are a ton of fun to draw, and I’m trying to find the right mix of POW and whimsy while retaining the general look of my current spaceman. All of those goals combined with my under-used drawing skills will make for an interesting combination. Maybe I’ll let Max design it.

I think I’ve hit my stride again. I’m not stressed out, even though the workload is pretty crazy. I’m just chugging along turning out some really good stuff. I’ve written my first real API for public consumption, a ton of frontends for a myriad of products and basically kicked a lot of ass in the past two weeks. I fit in nicely in my little group up here on the fourth floor, in my poffice with a door.

No Segue, just news… And now on to Max and his amazingness. This week, he wrote Jen a birthday card that actually said “Happy Birthday, Mommy”. I’m not sure how much help he had with it from Grandma, but he’s getting really good with his letters and numbers. He writes the 5 – 10 words he knows over and over again, just for fun. He’ll sit down and go through a legal pad writing out numbers and letters in different colors, as happy as he could be. It’s fun to watch.

Max has also started making up games. His current is the Oh no, I’m falling… aaaaaahhh game. He’ll take all the cushions off the couch and put them on the floor around the couch. Then, he’ll sit or stand on the couch and in a high pitched voice (higher pitched than normal anyway) will start going on and on about how he’s falling, oh no, and then go “aaaaaahh” and roll off the couch on to the cushions. It’s all very entertaining.

To wrap up, life is good. Now, back to work.

Categorized as Max

The Toddler Recap

I went down to the basement this morning to get a clean shirt. As I was heading back up the stairs, I hear a loud, plaintive “KEV-IIiiiiin!!!” from the top of the stairs. I thought for a split second that Max had gotten stuck in the garbage disposal or something. But no, it was worse – much worse. My wife appeared at the top of the stairs, hands on hips, grim expression on her face and said, “Max stole my last caramel egg!!!” Relieved that he hadn’t done anything horrible or disfiguring, I snickered and made my way up the stairs. My toddler son was sitting in the armchair, smile on his now sticky, chocolatey face, half-eaten caramel egg in his hand. My wife glared, and then laughed, then in her frustration said, “Now I have to wait until next Easter to get more!!” Yes dear, you do. But wasn’t the look on his face totally worth it?

In other Max news, he’s reading and spelling now. Yes, he’s two and a half, and he keeps picking up new words and I’m not sure how. We encourage him, but definitely aren’t forcing him. He loves to count, practice his letters and numbers and read stories. He brought Jen a piece of paper this morning (don’t get me started on how much paper this kid goes through) and said, “This spells ‘no'” and sure enough, he had put “no” on his paper. For longer words, he knows all the letters, but when writing, they take a decidedly abstract, Paul Klee-ish look to them. He made a Mother’s Day card for Jen that said, “I love you Mommy”, but it ended up more like “I mo o lo mm v y u e”. The letters were all there, just in a new order.

There’s more going on with my favorite toddler, but I need to get back to work. Maybe I’ll get Jen to start posting here too… sweetie?

Categorized as Max