The last two years, I felt really out of place at the W3C Plenary, and even at working group meetings. This year? I feel fine. Does it really take three years to be comfortable as a member of the W3C? Is it just me?
Adventures in Churchery
I wrote this a couple of days ago…\
Day one without the husband, only 8 more to go:\
I’m back from church, for which I had to get ready and endure without help. We skipped Sacrament Meeting cuz the baby was cranky and I didn’t think I could handle him alone. We got there in time for the rest of the classes though. My 6 year old goes to Primary, the baby (20 months old) goes to Nursery, while I go to two adult classes.\
After my first class, I went to the bathroom and ran into one of the nursery teachers carrying my youngest son around. He was sad in class so she took him out for a bit. But once he saw me, there was no escaping back to adultland. I could have gone into his nursery class with him, but my friend was teaching and I wanted to hear her lesson. So I took the baby and his snack to my class.\
As we were singing the opening hymn, the baby started coughing. He had a pretzel go down wrong. So he’d cough, cough, breathe, cough, cough, breathe. I patted his back, and stuck my finger in his mouth and he’d cough up something. Breathe and swallow. (All during the song). Then he’d start again: cough, cough, breathe, cough, cough, breathe. I kept trying to see what was making him cough and get it out. Each time he’d stop coughing for a few seconds, breathe, and swallow, and I would think things were ok. But he’d start coughing again.\
Then he started crying and coughing and making this gagging sound. The song ended and the opening prayer was being said. I stood up to better get a hold of the situation. The lady behind me told me to lift his arm. So I did. But he is a baby and didn’t keep his arm up. (Heh.)\
Now, if he was merely crying, I would have taken him out of the room to not disturb others. But since this was more than that, I wasn’t leaving that room. My MIL once told me that you should never leave the room with a choking baby because while you are outside with the baby alone, not knowing what to do, the baby could die. Actually, a doctor told my MIL this. And think about it for a minute. Kinda makes sense, right? People are so worried about not disturbing others, that they rush out of the room not realizing how serious the situation could be.\
So, we’re in the middle of prayer, I am standing with a coughing/gagging/crying baby trying to get him to stop. Finally the prayer is over (it was short. We were disruptive, which is not condusive to long prayers.) and the leader starts talking about the lesson. The baby threw up a little bit at this point. I said, “Does anyone know anything about a choking baby?”\
While I think I said it calmly, in thinking how people were treating me afterwards, I probably screamed it a bit hysterically. Someone said, “You got to take him out!” I vehemently replied, “I am not leaving this room!” A bunch of women gathered around me and I went out into hall, down to the kitchen the with them. As soon as the prayer was over, someone jumped up and ran to get a woman who is a nurse, who met us in the kitchen. My friend, the one teaching the lesson, came to the kitchen with me. I joked, “I stole the teacher.” (So I must not have been too upset.) The baby was still coughing and gaging and a minute later he threw up for real. The nurse helped clean him up and me up. Everyone else left. She checked him over and said he was fine. The baby finally calmed down and is all better.\
During the start of the coughing/choking fit, because he was actually coughing, I didn’t want to interupt that and makes things worse. She said I did the right thing, that “you should trust your gut.” I said, “I did the right thing by doing nothing?” She said yes.\
I took the baby to the gym where the other mursery kids were playing. He was really clingy but eventually left me to go play. He was easily frustrated and frequently got upset though so I never made it back to my class. Awhile later, one of the church leaders came looking for me to make sure we were ok. Wasn’t that nice?\
After church was over, I had to go back to my classroom to get my stuff. Several women stopped me and said, “The baby seems fine. How are you?” (Which makes me think that I wasn’t actually as calm as I had hoped.) Embarrassed about the scene I caused, I had to explain why I wasn’t going to leave the room. Someone said, “Now you know why. You’re so busy feeling the emotions of the moment that you forget what you are supposed to do.” However, I never really felt the baby was in danger. He wasn’t choking, like in need of the Hymlick. But the situation was taking longer to get under control than it should, that is why I asked (screamed?) for help. Everyone said that I did the right thing by staying in the room and asking for help. One woman came up to me with tears in her eyes (maybe my friend’s lesson was really good?) and apologized to me, cuz she was in the front of the room and she wanted so badly to get to me. Her daughter is the one who went for the nurse, so she knew everything would be ok. One other lady said sometimes you just got to stick your fingers in there. So, she kinda didn’t like that I didn’t do that. I’ve had my kids choke on food or toys before, so I have done that in the past. But since he was actively coughing, this time was different.\
So, after missing almost a whole year of church, we made a huge scene on our 3rd time back. Thankfully, the class was for the women only and I didn’t have to deal with any men witnessing this. That would have been worse.\
Note: Last year we had church from 1-4, which was Brian’s nap time. This year we have church from 9-12, which is much better for us. But between the snow, holidays, vacations, and sick kids, we’ve only been 3 times so far! -
Accepting Small Progress Gracefully: IE7
Here I am again at the W3C Plenary, where I get to spend a week with the web’s big brains and soak in nerd soup. A lot of time has been spent so far talking about IE7 and its progress or lack thereof and the reaction Microsoft (and especially Chris Wilson and Markus Mielke) are getting from the web development community. Molly is here, and she’s especially worried about how poorly the community is reacting to Microsoft. And here I sit in the middle somewhere…\
I’m a standards geek, and part of me wants to kick the IE team in the shins for creating another browser that doesn’t at least get to the point where Firefox and Safari are. There’s a spectrum of standards support, especially as far as CSS is concerned, with IE6 at one end and Opera, Safari and Firefox at the other. I foresee all kinds of problems with IE7 situating itself right in the middle. It’s going to cause developers all kinds of problems, some of them of those developers’ own making, some because IE is cherry-picking CSS2.1 modules to support (and some CSS3).\
On the other hand, the practical side of me is happy to see any development at all out of IE. Progress, of any kind, is a good thing. The fact that IE7 will support selectors beyond the paltry selection we have now. We’ll have child and attribute selectors (finally!! Now we don’t need extraneous classes on elements), :hover on arbitrary elements and min and max width/height, which will all make building pages easier once IE7 overtakes IE6 in usage – sometime in the next five to six years.\
And there’s the rub. I’m impatient. I don’t want IE7 today, I want IE8 today. That it took Microsoft over five years to start working on the successor to IE6 is unforgivable. They abandoned the web development community and did what they could to kill progress in web development, whether on purpose or not, it doesn’t really matter. That we were able to do what we did, given the horrible state of IE6’s standards support, is impressive and we should be proud of it as an industry.\
Now that they are working on IE again, what should our reaction be? Should we be angry? Should we embrace them? Can we embrace them angrily? I think the time for anger is over, and as soon as the next beta comes out (which I’ve been promised will have the final standards features in it and all that will change are security features), it’s time to get to work.\
And for those of you who use standards mode and are complaining about having to change your CSS to change or remove the CSS “hacks” you used… you were warned a long time ago about managing hacks (at least in June 2004 by Molly). The fact that IE didn’t change in 6 years is really no excuse. Hacks are just that – hacks. They’re going to change. And, Microsoft is actually doing the right thing and not changing how pages are rendered in quirks mode at all. So, if you’re using standards mode, you should know what you’re doing. If you don’t, well, you’ve got at least six months to learn (I don’t know when IE7 will be out of beta, I’m guessing).\
It’s time to move from anger and denial to acceptance, even if it’s begrudging. IE7 will not get the market share that IE6 has. Firefox has 30% usage in Europe, and now over 10% in the US and growing. IE7 is not going to get the 90%+ market share that IE6 once had, just because it’s only on Windows XP SP2. This is a good thing for the other browsers, and a good thing for web developers, because I think the adoption rate for IE7 will be slow and gradual, which is a good thing.\
We can be angry. We have lots of reason to be. We can be angry about all the things that aren’t going to be in IE7. But, let’s at least recognize that IE is finally moving forward and that we think most of the things we want (display:table) will be in future version – that we hopefully won’t have to wait five years for. Microsoft deserves some credit for its new openness, with the IEBlog, their outreach at conferences and their work in the W3C. Embrace the change, get used to it, move on to acceptance and get to work (when the next beta comes out). -
I dread taking minutes at working group meetings because it usually means projecting a text editor which is hard to read for the other people in the meeting, and hard to edit for the minute taker. I’ve used IRC, but I hate that the minutes get polluted by the “back channel” discussion. On the flight over, I thought to myself, “Hey, I could easily make a little web app to do this.” Here it is. Everything is stored in the DOM, and there’s no save back to the server which is an issue. It would be nice to have a backend store for minutes to make sure there’s a backup in case of a browser crash, but I did this between the plane and jet lag. I also haven’t tested it in anything but Firefox and Safari. If it works for you, great. If not, sorry.
Jonesing Nerds
Instead of providing its own network, the W3C decided this year to use the hotel’s network… which I don’t think was designed to handle a couple hundred nerds and their laptops all connecting at once. Connectivity has been spotty, and it’s been fun to watch a large group of people used to being connected all the time without that connectivity. I have a feeling that the waiting room at a methadone clinic looks about the same.\
Otherwise, my jet lag has been horrible, but the food is still lovely, and the weather is great. I’m looking forward to the next four days of meetings. -
Mom #274,518
Tip: Women with PMS should not be allowed to run out of chocolate cake while their husbands are away.
Kevin returns when?
OMG, I broke Brian. He won’t stop crying!\
Ok, I didn’t really break him, but it is true that he won’t stop crying, which is unusual for him. He is being such a baby. Sheesh!\
Kevin is never allowed to leave again. -
Stuck at home
Kevin is in France right now, enjoying the fine food, people, culture, and scenery. I was supposed to be with him, but my little baby cousin is getting married tomorrow. (Eeek, she is too little to get married! No matter that she obviously isn’t!) Both grandmas were planning on going to her wedding, so they wouldn’t be available for watching the kids. I told them, ever so graciously, “Go to the wedding. Its fine. Go.” It turns out though, that neither grandma is going. Harrumph! My mom couldn’t go to the wedding because of the effects of Katrina. So, I blame Mother Nature for me not being in France. Yea, I am not sure how logical that is, but you know, I am not in France, so I get to blame whomever I want 🙂
I’m in France!! This post would have a picture of Mandelieu at the top, but I forgot the USB cable for the camera (because I’m smart). Other than not sleeping at all on the plane (I tried, laws yes, I tried), the trip was fine. I met Molly at the airport after her flight from London and we shared a ride to the hotel. I’ve no driven in another country! It wasn’t all that scary, other than stalling the car a couple times (mushy clutch and the fact that I haven’t driven stick in months) and a mad rush to find change for the toll. We got off the highway too soon and ended up winding our way through Cannes, and then had a lovely drive along the beach until we saw the big R on the side of the hotel.\
I stayed up until 8:30, and woke up for good around 4:30. Now, I’m just waiting a little while until breakfast, and then it’s time for Nerd-a-palooza 2006! -
Someone Gets Interviewed
My pal Daniel interviewed me on his blog, and asked a lot of questions about web standards, web 2.0, and CSS. Go check it out