• It’s Crack, I Tell You!

    Gizmodo is my new crack. All the gadgets I’ll never own with pretty pictures and enticing descriptions. Excuse my while I go salivate.

    I love gadgets. I just can’t afford all the ones I want. So many toys, so little cash. I need to work for a tech magazine or some place that gives them away. I’d write reviews, I promise. Really really I would.

  • Heads Will Roll!

    Here I am staring at a blank page while the world collapses around me. Work has been hellacious this week. Tomorrow I get a nice break and get to sit in an hotel conference room and expound on all my crazy theories about “the way things outta be”. Right now, I’m waiting around for an e-mail I have to reply to tonight that was supposed to show up an hour ago, and which I’m still waiting for.

    While waiting, my boss sent me this fun geography quiz. I was surprised how well I did. I only missed six countries, and of that, two of them I just flip-flopped (Yemen and Oman, go figure). Go try it for yourself.

    So this is what it’s like to spend twelve hours at work? It’s not all it’s cracked up to be. It could be easier. I should have brought reading material.

    I swear, if that e-mail doesn’t come in the next five minutes, heads are going to roll!! I mean it. I may leave the bodies on for effect, but there will be rolling, I mean it!

  • The Truth

    Fred Milton speaks the truth. It’s sad when we turn to a talking poodle to tell us the truth: “This war is deeply 100% toilet”.

  • Work? Now?

    There’s so much I could be doing right now that I’m not going to do. There are things I could do to get ahead for work this week. There are things I could do to improve myself, learn something or be “constructive”. Am I going to do any of them tonight? Nope. I’m going to sit here and watch TV, or maybe go play Civ 3 and forget that I have to work next week, and it’ll be crazy. Avoidance wins tonight. Avoidance wins almost every night. Work will be there tomorrow…

  • Nooooooo!!

    Please, make him stop!! I can’t take any more puppy cuteness, or I will just break down and buy one. It’s not fair. I don’t even like dogs. In fact, I don’t understand humans’ need for animal companionship, but every time I see pictures of Oliver, and now the puppies, my cold animal agnostic heart just melts.

    What’s wrong with me??

  • The Inevitable Clip Show

    In honor of my 1000th post, I’ve decided to do a “best of” the last 1000 posts. There are a lot to choose from – unfortunately, most of them are crap. But, here are the ones I think rise slightly above the level of poopy:

    I hope you enjoy them…

    This site has been a lot of fun, I don’t see it becoming drudgery anytime soon. I plan on trying some different things around here in the near future, when I can spare a few hours to start playing. I’m fascinated by the information people put on their front page, how much of it is actually worth putting there, and how to provide better navigation in blogs in general. For the most part, the standard Blogging UI is OK, but it’s not great. Some of the great designers out there have done a good job at presenting information, but I think it can get better. As things evolve, we’ll see new and interesting things, and I want to be a part of it.


  • Post 999

    Action Tin Toy has the coolest freebies. The wallpaper and icons are retro-gorgeous. The icons alone are reason enough to switch to a Mac (ok, grasping at straws, but you really should think about it).

    I’ve got some new things I want to try here. I want to write longer entries, but still keep the short “Ooh, go check this out” option open. There are lots of ways to do this, and a lot of people do it… It’s my turn. Look for some changes around here in the next few weeks (you know, as I get time).

    In other good news, I got a new Powerbook! It’s the same model as I had before (TiBook 550), but it has more RAM! Things run so much better now that I’m not running out of RAM all the time. Good good stuff.

    In related news, and another fine reason to use OS X, it is extremely easy to restore all your crap in OS X. First, just backup the Library directory from your home directory. Then, when you get your new Mac, install all your apps, create a user with the same name as the old one, and copy the contents of the old Library folder into the new Library folder. Voila, all your saved passwords in Mozilla, all your old mail, and bookmarks! How cool is that?

  • Found Music Part Quoi?

    I spent this afternoon working on documents, experimenting with crazy CSS stuff and listening to music long forgotten in the bowels of my office downstairs. I went through the four hundred or so CD’s down there last night and picked out some old stuff to bring to work. So far this afternoon I’ve listened to:

    • Tripping Daisy: I’m An Elastic Firecracker: This album rocks… really. It’s got great hooks and is pretty funny too. It’s a really good album if you’re in the mood for some arty hard rock.

    • R.L. Burnside: Too Bad Jim: Real Delta Blues from a guy who looks like he’s really got ’em. He’s not screwin’ around. The sound is extremely raw, but the guitar work is sure, and Mr. Burnside’s voice carries the pain and anger better than most. This was his first album. I got Ass Pocket Full Of Whiskey, and it didn’t have the same raw energy of this one. A great introduction to real blues.

    • The Presidents of the United States: Self-Titled: Who doesn’t remember Peaches and Lump? A great funny two-string guitar album. Throw it in with the windows down on a summer’s day and all your cares are forgotten.

    • 2nu: Ponderous: It took me forever to find a copy of this to buy. Someone in high school loaned me the tape once and I just fell in love. Other than the one song where they actually sing, this is a great album of funny spoken word pieces set to music. It will make you giggle, guaranteed.

    Yeah, it was that kind of day… And I still have to hang out for another meeting that will keep me here past six. Then, I’m going to go work out and try out my new MP3 CD Player with my new “workout collection”. The fun never ends around here… if I’m not dead when I get home, I’ll tell you all about the fantabulous dinner I made last night.

  • A Small Tip

    If you use one e-mail application to send both Work and Personal e-mail, make sure you choose your work address before sending a big long technical e-mail to the world… Today just gets better and better.

  • The Energizer Fatty

    Today was crazy in a good way. First, I woke up at 8:30, got up, took a shower and headed to the gym. I made it all the way through my workout routine. I didn’t skip any exercises, just skipped a couple reps on the shoulder presses because I just couldn’t do it any more. I was still really sore from Thursday (I can barely lift my arms over my head and it feels like I have cinderblocks tied around my thighs). But, I did it, and I didn’t die.

    After showering and putting my non-stinky clothes back on, I headed over to the Sporting Goods store (Dick’s… mmmmm, Dick’s). I bought a big exercize ball to use as my new office chair at work and new workout shoes. Then, back home to snatch up Jen and Max and head to Famous Dave’s for lunch. Two things worth noting: our waiter’s name was Famous John, and Max had his first root beer float. It took him a while to warm up to it, but once he got past the sickly root beer bubbles. Then, we went to Piglet’s BIG Movie, which bored Max so badly we left before it ended. He’s a Junkyard Wars kid, I guess.

    I made soup tonight when we got home after our trip to the grocery store, and now I’m sitting here. I’ve been going non-stop for almost 13 hours, and I think it’s time to take a break, or fall asleep. I can’t decide.