• Bad mood rising…

    Bad mood rising… Oh yeah. I don’t know why. I woke up in a great mood, with Max making his little Max noises in his bed, Jen in the shower and me waking up at a leisurely pace. Why hurry when the shower’s occupied and Max may get tired of playing in his room at any moment?

    Now that I’m at work, it’s a whole different story. Wow, I’m not happy today. I want to walk out and not come back for a long long time. I want to tell people what I really think of them and not apologize later. Yep, I’m in a bad mood, and I’m gonna go buy some ice cream to try to snap out of it. I sure hope they have those Mississippi Mud sandwiches, or I may just tell the store ladies what I think of them too (there really isn’t anything bad to say about the store ladies. They’re swell).

  • I’m an idiot.

    I’m an idiot. I thought, hey, OS X is a lot more stable now and my friend has the latest beta. I should try it out! So, I wiped my poor old Powerbook’s hard drive and installed everything. The one thing I forgot is that OS X is a pig. It’s a big giant memory eating sow. I forgot to take into consideration the fact that I have an old G3 with 128 megs of RAM. It’s sad, but that’s just not enough to run the beast that is OS X.

    So, it’s Monday morning and I’m reinstalling my favorite config: OS 9 and YellowDog 2.0. I’ll run MOL, play Same Gnome, install AOLserver and Postgres and have some fun. Screw you, OS X. Even Windows 2000 will run on a P2-400 with 128 megs of RAM. So there.

  • During the past couple weeks

    During the past couple weeks, during the pain, grief, hope and heroism, I’ve been recalling something that happened to me during high school.

    Desert Storm started when I was a Sophomore. I remember sitting in Madame Nelson’s French class discussing how cool it was going to be. We were going to bomb the living hell out of them. It was a movie, and we were going to watch it all on CNN. I remember bringing up statistics and cool military terms I’d heard my dad use. I felt really smart since my dad helped draw up a lot of the plans for fighting in the Middle East and was in the Pentagon’s Command Center for much of the war. He wasn’t going over there. For me, Desert Storm was very much a remote-control war. I watched it all on TV, heard about it from my dad, and never saw the death and destruction. It was all very antiseptic/Saturday afternoon TV for me.

    Back to French Class. While my friend and I were discussing bombs, fighter planes and the advantages of the Abrams M1-A1 tank, there was a girl sitting next to me with a black armband on her right arm. I noticed it and asked her about it. She said she was wearing it because she didn’t like the war. She didn’t like that people were fighting over there and that we were there over oil and killing so we didn’t have to pay more for gas. That set my friend and I off. We spent the rest of class making fun of her for thinking something other than what ‘we’ thought.

    I feel bad about that now. I don’t even remember her name, but I remember the look on her face. I remember feeling superior because I was onboard. I was ‘we’. I wish I could find her and apologize.

    Don’t let the people who attacked us make us start taking away our freedoms. Free speech is paramount in the list. If we start quieting those who disagree with us, we’re no better than the people who did this. Especially now, in the wake of tragedy, we need to be mindful that we still have the right to free speech. I feel the anger well up when I read or hear something that doesn’t fall into the “patriotic American, nuke the bastards” world we live in and have been watching for the past week. I stop myself every time I feel that anger and remember the girl in French class who I made cry.

  • The kids in our neighborhood

    The kids in our neighborhood have shown an amazing grasp of the American/Capitalist dream since 9/11. They’ve posted patriotic drawings all over the neighborhood, on mailboxes, stop sign posts, everywhere. Now, if this were the extent of it, I’d leave out the capitalist part. But, our little entrepreneurs have also taken to the streets with hand-drawn flags in a milk box and are going door-to-door selling them. It’s nice to know that the future generation knows what to do when people are grieving – sell to them.

    Not that I blame them, it gives them something to do, and makes them happy. They had a lemonade stand last week, and I think that’s cute. There are three of them, all girls and no older than 11. It’s so freaking Norman Rockwell.

    That’s all from Lake Sterling, where we have no lake, the children are all selling something and the parents love their anti-depressants.

  • I love smart people who

    I love smart people who find great quotes. Caterina has a bunch of them:

    • “I will fight to the death for all men’s right to seek the truth, but I will shoot on sight any man who claims he has found it.” – Unknown
    • “Convictions are more dangerous enemies of truth than lies.” -Friedrich Nietzsche
  • I’m one scruffy man…

    I’m one scruffy man… It’s been almost two months since I had a haircut, and I still have the leftovers from my Adventure in Hair-Dye. This Saturday, the two-tone mane goes away even if I have to do it myself. I can only stand so much gel on my head.

    How’s that for banal? I’m trying, but it’s really hard not to go off about the state of things.

  • I love DirecTV!! Sessions at

    I love DirecTV!! Sessions at West 54th is on every night at 8 on Trio. Very very nice. If you have DirecTV and have never watched the series, check it out. Great music by the great acts you never hear on the radio or MTV.

  • The K Chronicles says it

    The K Chronicles says it with humor. Check it out and make the choice not to be one of those jackasses who sees the world with 1-dimensional eyes. And if not, at least have a little giggle.

  • I have a lot of

    I have a lot of thoughts about what’s going on in the world, but there are currently too many people using their first amendment rights at the moment. When they’re done, I’ll say something important. Until then, it’s trite drivel and useless crap about my life! I know, you can’t contain your joy, can you?

  • I’ve been saying ‘fantastic’ way

    I’ve been saying ‘fantastic’ way too often the past couple days. I need a new adjective.