• Trade Secrets

    This may get me fired, but I don’t care. Do you know what the query on AOL Search is so far today? It’s Nostradamus in a landslide. It’s not Red Cross or World Trade Center. It’s Nostradamus. I constantly find reasons to lose faith in humanity.

    There is one comforting fact though, porn queries are still way up there. I guess the libido doesn’t stop for tragedy.

  • Undone

    I am undone. I’ve felt tears well up several times today, yet none come. I am angry. I am sad. I am tired. I want to do something. My brain won’t shut off, and I keep trying to shut it up. I hope I can go to work tomorrow, because I can’t take another day of watching CNN and watching the video anymore.

    I looked at my son today, his beautiful face. He’s not even two. He ran around today like nothing was wrong. He babbled and played and was a little pill while the rest of the world was falling apart around my little family. We will continue. The world will slowly return to normal. The pain for the observers, the survivors and the families of the victims will fade over time. Maybe a lot of time. It’ll be OK…. I hope.

  • It Becomes

    Unless you live in a cave, or don’t have a radio in your car, you know that there have now been four apparent terrorist attacks on American soil. I’m listening to KCRW streaming through my headphones, delivering the carnage straight to my ears. Everyone here at AOL is running up to the newsroom to watch it. I can’t. I don’t need to see it to know it’s happening, and I’m sure we’ll see enough as this things becomes clearer, body counts come out and the source of the pain is ferreted out.

    I have no idea who is responsible, and I’m trying to keep an open mind. After the Oklahoma City bombing, everyone assumed it was an Muslim extremist. It turned out to be a small group of angry white men who felt their government had let them down.

    Now, all the airports in the country have been shut down. They’re evacuating federal buildings, but it worries me that now the roads will be clogged and if anything else happens, emergency personnel and equipment won’t be able to reach the problem areas.

    Ok, that’s enough… I have nothing else to say. I want to run home, grab my little family and hide.

  • And by the way, you

    And by the way, you know if I post a lot during the day it means either I have nothing to do, or don’t want to do what I’m supposed to be doing… just an FYI for the interested parties.

  • I’ve been watching the Open

    I’ve been watching the Open Brackets | Textism romance from afar for a couple months now, and it’s just the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s great to see the sloppy-romantic-fresh-love stuff from both points of view and watch as he moved to France. It’s like a serial romance in three paragraph entries with (I’m sure) lots of information left out. It’s just sweet and pure and beautiful. I hope it lasts for them. They’re both great writers, and from what I’ve read by them, swell folk.

    Again, this brings me back to my curiosity about the whole bloggy-thing we’ve got going on now. After watching the Kaycee Nicole thing explode recently, and tons of BBS, e-mail explosions in the distant past, the power of the communal internet (you know, the non-selling crap part) continues to amaze me.

  • Top Five BlogTwins

    This list bothers me only because they’re all female and I’m not sure what that says about me:

    1. Firda of Weblog Wannabe
    2. Caroline of Prolific.org
    3. Meg of Not So Soft
    4. Meg of Megnut
    5. Caterina of Caterina.net

    What’s great is that Megnut and Caterina.net ARE two of my favorite blogs. I don’t know the other three, but hey, maybe thing this is right after all. Who’s your twin? (beware the popup ad).

  • This is the funniest Lego

    This is the funniest Lego movie I’ve ever seen. Monty Python? You bet! (via Davezilla)

  • Have I told you recently

    Have I told you recently how great The Norm is? You should read it daily and then talk about it with your friends.

  • This Modern World is brilliant

    This Modern World is brilliant today. Bill Clinton was the source of a comedy boom. Bush is single-handedly killing satire, because he is one! The man scares the living crap out of me.

  • Football Observations

    I feel I’m breaking some kind of rule here talking about football in a blog, since I started my blog-life reading erudite journals about the industry, photography and literature. And now, here I am writing about football. Well, that’s just who I am, baby. I dig the geeky, and the banal. I’m a conundrum wrapped in a perplexity wrapped in flaky pastry.

    Sorry, had to do it. Now on to what I think about week 1 in the NFL (minus tonight’s game):

    1. I think LaDainian Tomlinson is the real thing. 113 yards in his first game is one thing, but the kid blocked like a veteran and didn’t make any glaring rookie mistakes that I could see.
    2. The Chargers D will rival the Ravens for this year. They looked absolutely awesome yesterday. I’m not sure if the Redskins are really that bad, or if the Chargers just stifled them.
    3. The Redskins really are that bad.
    4. It’s definitely week 1. With all the games without touchdowns and poor offensive play, it looked like everyone but the Colts and 49ers needed another week of training camp.
    5. Peyton Manning is the best QB in football, bar none. Watching him work the line of scrimmage, play the no-huddle like Jim Kelly on speed and make some impossible throws was just poetry. Also, that 9-yard run yesterday blew me away. For a “pocket” QB, he’s got quite a motor on him. He played an impeccible game yesterday.

    I think that’s it for this week. On a completely separate subject, we watched Band of Brothers last night, and I was slightly disappointed. Maybe it was all the hype, but I was expecting more. It seemed like Tom Hanks and Mr. Spielberg are trying to redo Private Ryan and fix the shortcomings of the movie. I’ll try it again next week, but it didn’t grab me like I expected it to. Something about it seems “off”, either something missing or too much of something else. I can’t put my finger on it.