Author: Kevin Lawver

  • The Gardening Geek

    It all started so innocently. I took Max to the Farmer’s Market last summer, and I bought a basil plant (because every three year-old needs to learn about death, right?). We took it home, put it in a pot on the window sill, watered it religiously, and watched it grow. It lasted the rest of the summer and most of the fall. I decided my black thumb curse was over… It was actually kind of fun watching it grow and using it in my cooking. So, I started a little window sill garden, just a couple plants. Max and I bought a cilantro plant, an oregano plant and a sage plant (that met an untimely death while I was in France). We had an extra pot, and Max and I took some crushed red pepper seeds, a couple snap peas, some peppercorns and (I think) a couple others I don’t remember and planted them. Surprisingly, two plants sprouted!! I have no idea what they are, but they’re both getting a little unruly and I had to replant them. Of course, I was out of pots. So, off to Lowe’s for more pots…

    Now, it’s June, and I think I’ve officially gone over the cliff. I planted some roma tomato plants about a month ago, some new basil (the old one got old and feeble) and recently some rosemary and chives. I also moved our two gigantic plants and the tomatos to a big window box that’s still not outside. I even built a trellice… see for yourself:

    the left side...

    and the right

    Max helps me water them, and we check on them every day. Like I said, it all started so innocently.

  • Baby News and Pirates

    We took Brian to the doctor this week, and he’s doing great. He left the hospital at exactly nine pounds. A week and a half later, he’s up to nine pounds, fourteen ounces and has grown a quarter of an inch (up to 22.25″). He’s gorgeous, calm and an all-around great baby. We’ll be taking more pictures as we get some more sleep, and you can be sure they’ll be posted here.

    In other news, I’m a genius. No, really. I can’t tell you why I’m a genius, or how it’s been applied to my own devious ends, but I am, and I have. Unrelatedly (which I just made up), mission statements are evil. In my new group, we’re trying to come up with one. Why? I’m not sure. Mission statements are silly, if you ask me (I know you didn’t, but really, do I care if you did? Nope). They’re meaningless. No one reads them. No one actually tries to apply them. We spend days, hours, weeks trying to come up with the perfect profound sentance that sums up our purpose in our corporate lives. Everyone gets a say, a tweak here and there until it loses any meaning it might have had. To tweak a cliche: the road to hell is paved with mission statements.

    The only mission statement I’ve ever liked is Google’s. “Don’t be evil” should be every company’s mission statement. The problem is, again, no one actually lives by or follows their mission statement. It’s something to put on a plaque, in the little writeup on the corporate intranet, and give idle hands something to do.

    In an attempt to at least play along, I came up with some possibilities for my new group:

    • We’re pirates… ARGH!

    • We don’t believe in mission statements. We believe in ransom notes and manifestos.

    • We try, but usually fail, not to be evil. I mean, come on, look at us. Would you think us capable of not being evil?

    • We like pancakes and don’t believe in mission statements. We believe mission statements are meaningless pabulum that don’t do anyone any good.

    • We’re on a mission from God, much like Jake and Elwood Blues, to build scalable, maintainable, sleek and graceful web applications using the best technology for the job, good design, well-placed effort, our unmistakable talent, and irrepressable joi di vivre.

  • Pictures, Pictures of Kids and Babies, Rocks and Smiles

    We have more pictures! Of course, there’s nothing to say except they’re of my beautiful children and a couple have their funny lookin’ dad in them:

  • Two Kids, a House and a Yard

    Babies are fun. Toddlers are more fun, especially when they can talk and play games; but, babies are fun in their own way. Brian is 8 days old now, and he’s trying to lift his head, is really good at flailing his arms and kicking his blankets off. He still sleeps a lot, but is now spending more time awake and staring at us. I love it. His little eyes are focusing and moving in the same direction (no more cross eyes… at least most of the time).

    It’s fun finding out which body parts look like someone else in the family. In comparing baby pictures, Brian looks almost exactly like Max at the same age. Brian is a little longer, a little heavier and has (we think) a slightly bigger head. But, we’re probably going to have to start marking baby pictures so we know who’s who.

    We’re now a family of four. I have two kids. Ok, I think it’s sunk in now.

  • More Pictures!

    Come and get ’em!! Pictures from Wednesday and Thursday. Heather took a bunch of pictures yesterday, and I’ll let you know when they’re up.

  • Pictures from Day One

    We finally have the pictures up! Bask in the warm glow of brand new baby. I’m going to bed.

  • His First Picture


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    Here he is, Brian David Lawver (named after Jen’s dad), less than ten minutes old, and beautiful. Heather took a ton of pictures which she promised to post soon. Keep your eyes peeled for a link.

  • The Reverse of Happy

    I tried to follow up yesterday’s exercise with the opposite. The same rules apply except for the techno one, with one fudge. I honestly can’t remember putting Teardrop on a mix cd, but the way I love that song, I can’t believe it. Maybe I just never shared it with anyone.

    A couple other things I realized while compiling this list:

    • I don’t have a lot of depressing music in iTunes. I know I have more at home that I haven’t ripped yet, but it wasn’t handy to grab right this minute.

    • A lot of stuff I thought was depressing really isn’t. Morphine? Except for a couple notable exceptions, they’re not depressing at all. The songs are sometimes, sexy, other times ironic or cynical, and sometimes just plain bouncy.

    • Ben Folds and Phish both throw some great woe-is-me classics in between the happy poppy stuff. Evaporation on Whatever and Ever Amen is amazing, as is Dirt from Farmhouse

    Here it is, a CD I whimsically call Depressed as Hal:




    II\. Lento E Largo – Tranquillissimo

    Henryk Gorecki

    Symphony No. 3

    Everybody Hurts


    Automatic For The People




    I Grieve

    Peter Gabriel





    Sour Times



    Don’t Change Your Plans

    Ben Folds Five

    The Unauthorized Biography Of Reinhold Messner

    Gone For Good




    Massive Attack



    Ben Folds Five

    Whatever and Ever Amen

    Passacaglia/Bud And A Slice

    Joe Jackson, feat. Brad Roberts – voice, Judy LeClair – bassoon

    Heaven & Hell

    Sweetness Follows


    Automatic For The People

    My Head Sounds Like That

    Peter Gabriel


    Maybe I’ll Come Down

    Soul Coughing

    El Oso

  • Happy Schmidt

    Taking a break this afternoon, I decided to create a happy mix CD (for no good reason, titled Happy Schmidt). I gave myself a couple rules:

    • I couldn’t use any songs that I’ve put on another mix cd (that I could remember)

    • no techno (electronica, trip hop, etc)

    • avoid stuff I listen to all the time.

    Here’s what I came up with:




    In The Days Of The Caveman

    Crash Test Dummies

    God Shuffled His Feet

    Ain’t Goin’ to Goa


    Exile On Coldharbor Lane

    Count ’em Up Queek




    Ben Folds

    Ben Folds Five

    Short Skirt/Long Jacket


    Comfort Eagle

    Rudie Can’t Fail

    The Clash

    London Calling

    Brick House


    Millennium Funk Party

    Tripping Billies

    Dave Matthews Band


    You Better Be Doubtful

    The Housemartins

    The The People Who Grinned Themselves To Death

    **updated** Rotten World Blues


    rotten world blues EP

    Glamour Boys

    Living Colour



    Lyle Lovett

    I Love Everybody

    Birds Of A Feather


    Story Of The Ghost

    Boll Weevil

    The Presidents of the United States of America

    The Presidents Of The United States Of America

    Shiny Happy People


    Out Of Time

    Stay Up Late

    Talking Heads

    Sand In The Vaseline (Disc 2)

    What Is Hip?

    Tower Of Power

    Millennium Funk Party




    Once In A Lifetime

    Talking Heads

    Sand In The Vaseline (Disc 1)

    **updated** That’s Not Really Funny



    updated I was listening to the CD in the car and realized that I Wanna Be A Witch, while really happy and bouncy, contains some profanity. This wouldn’t normally bother me, but the CD had to be Max-friendly too, so I’m making a new copy. I dropped that song, and added Rotten World Blues and That’s Not Really Funny, both by Eels. Good, jangly, rocky stuff.

  • The Unknowing Pirate

    I have been a very good Employee today. I deserve some kind of SuperEmployee sticker and a bad picture of me in a cheap frame hung on the wall in our temporary lobby that says, “Kevin’s One Super Employee”. I may go do that myself tonight with Max. We’ll make a “Kevin’s One Super Employee” plaque. Then, I’ll bring to work really early tomorrow morning and hang it up before anyone gets here. Maybe I should start with someone else so no one suspects me. Although, I think I’m the only person here who would do such a thing, and everyone knows it. I have a pirate flag up on my wall, ferpetessack.

    And to answer your next question, I have a pirate flag on my wall for a very good reason. I’ve been feeling extremely subversive lately. There’s usually a subversive undercurrent running through whatever I do. Recently, though, the undercurrent has become an undertorrent, and I just can’t help it. Maybe I’m feeling extra-subversive because my boss, and boss’s boss have both left in the past six weeks, and I’m feeling a little… grieved? Yeah, that’s as close as I can come to describing it. I lost the guy who hired me, protected our group from a lot of garbage, was in our corner the whole time, and made us better. I’ve also lost the best manager I’ve ever had. It’s kind of thrown me for a loop.

    I’m not quite sure what to do next. I still have my projects, the things that “make me go”, but I don’t have the support system I had last week. I don’t have a manager I can tell anything to, give her any problem, and compliant and she’ll go fight the battle, or filter the message appropriately. I have a crappy filter. I usually just come out and say it, which isn’t the most productive trait to possess at the moment.

    I’ve come to realize that I work best with a manager I can trust completely. I don’t want to have to play political games, and watch what I say with my direct manager. It’s too stressful, and makes work no fun at all. I have to be able to tell my manager what’s really going on, and have them do the same. If there’s no honesty in that relationship, there’s no trust. When there’s no trust, nothing productive happens. I’ve done pretty well so far in my career finding people I can trust, and good working relationships. The times I haven’t had that support system have been an absolute nightmare.

    I don’t know… this post started out really light and sunny, didn’t it? I was faking it. There’s nothing sunny or light going on here. I’m worried that I won’t find that working chemistry again, and I’ll just be working instead of having fun. I’m afraid I’ll spend my days playing politics instead of building cool stuff and challenging myself. I’ve done that already. I’d rather not go back to it. You know, maybe everything will be alright. Maybe it won’t. It’s the not knowing that’s killing me at the moment.