Author: Kevin Lawver

  • Hi, Nice to Meet You

    I’m off being social and planning for my trip (waiting patiently for my passport, buying touristy books about Dublin, trying to figure out what the weather is like in Eastern Ireland in early December, putting together a shopping list, and trying to find things to do with the 18 hours of touristy time we’ll have there). I’m really excited about the trip, can you tell?

    Now the social bit… I realized something rather important about myself while driving around the beltway with half a ton of grain in the back of my truck. I was talking to a guy from church who was in the Army for a looong time about growing up moving around all the time. He said, “Well, I guess then you view all your relationships as temporary then, don’t you?” Ummmm, huh? I what? I… well, yeah… I do, don’t I? It’s caused a tidal wave of emotion as I look back over my life at all the friends I’m unceremoniously forgotten about as soon as I left a place. It was a shock to my system, to say the least.

    So, what am I doing about it? I’m trying to actually build relationships outside of my family. We had a family over for dinner after church on Sunday (I made a roast to end all roasts, no one needs to even bother anymore. I made the best roast EVER), we hosted a dinner party a few weeks ago, and we’ve been invited over for dinner this week to someone else’s house. I realized that I’ve been more introverted than I want to be. I’m working on changing that… So, as I spend more time in meatspace, and on nonDependant, I may spend less time here. I know you’re all disappointed.

  • Creepy Animals I’m Glad Don’t Exist

    If you’re into crazy animals that don’t exist, but are extremely well imagined, you should hightail it over to Uncommon Creatures. It’s fantasmagorical!!

    Whatever the inverse of insomnia is, I have it. I can get to sleep just fine, but I’m waking up too early. It’s been happening for about a week, and is really starting to bug me. My brain says I’m still tired and want to go back to sleep, but the body says to forget that and get up. I don’t get it. Since it’s Friday, I may go crazy and try some NyQuil. I need to get more sleep… more sleep… more sleep….

  • The Crack of Dawn

    I’ve been waking up extremely early the past few days. Instead of spending extra time in the shower or eating breakfast at home, I just come into work as I normally do. Only, when I get here, I’m all alone. No one shows up in my buddy list, and I have very little e-mail to get through. I start working earlier, and feel like I’m pretty much done with everything by noon. Not that I am… maybe I mean I’m “finished” for the day.

    Work has gotten more complex this week. I have a very large (but very cool) project that has to go to QA soon, a trip out of the country to prepare for (new credit card for business expenses, signing up for frequent flier program, international power supply for the Powerbook, customs to learn, self-preparation for the amount of smoke I’m going to inhale, etc), documents to write and a world to take over (my boss has given me permission to conquer the world… which is at once cool and daunting). Oh, and there’s nonDependant to look after and make sure it doesn’t die before it even really gets started. Let’s not forget Church… Or my family. Ok, when I said I could do “more”, I’m not sure this is what I had in mind.

    I also installed Panther this week. I’ll spare you the full review, but I like it. It’s peachy-keen and if you have a Mac, you should install it too.

  • Can I Do Anything For You?

    To the best of my recollection this is the exact transcript of a conversation I had with my wife last night:

    • Jen: Can I do anything for you?

    • Kevin: Nope, I’m good.

    • Jen: But I love you so much, I want to show how much I love you by doing something for you.

    • Kevin: I love you too, but really, you do enough already. You’re carrying our baby, you take care of Max and make sure I know you love me. That’s enough.

    • Jen: Come on, there has to be something.

    • Kevin: Ok, can you pick up my prescriptions tomorrow?

    • Jen: Maybe

    • There is a short pause as Kevin looks at Jen, expressionless, waiting…

    • Jen: HEEEEEEE-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (rinse, repeat for at least five minutes)

    • Kevin: HAW-HAHAHAHAHAHAHA (ditto)

    Honestly, who could ask for anything more than that?

  • Self-Evident Truths

    We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

    I posted the Declaration of Independance last week. I hadn’t read it or the Constitution in a very long time. If you haven’t read them either, why not? The first is moving in ways I find hard to explain. “… deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed…” – do you feel like you’ve given your consent to be governed? If not, come check us out, and see what we’re trying to do to take back the system.

  • Best Albums of the Nineties?

    Michelle picked Pearl Jam and Soundgarden. Sorry, but nope. The best albums of the nineties are…

    • Lyle Lovett’s Joshua Judges Ruth: The album that made me listen to Country – Ok, I only ever listen to Lyle, but that counts, doesn’t it?

    • Massive Attack‘s Mezzanine: How many other bands (that are still around, unlike the grungers who all traded in their flannel and went electonic) have been as copied as Massive Attack? How many bands, with such a small library of albums, have shown up in as many soundtracks over the last decade (Coldplay doesn’t count – yet)?

    It’s so hard to pick two. My first inclination was to go with Morphine‘s Cure for Pain, but that’s just because I love it, not because it actually started anything. Pearl Jam and Soundgarden weren’t even the first grunge bands to hit it big.

  • Ummm, Yeah, OK, Maybe

    Now is not the time to get writer’s block and an allergy attack. Really, I could live without either or both. Yeah, blah, blah, blah. Go write something for me over at nonDependant. Next time I see you, I’ll buy you a cookie.

  • Just the Ticket!

    Trying to think “outside the box”, I’ve come up with a political lineup sure to attract that middle third of the political spectrum that we’re courting at nonDependant. I had a this weird thought… how’s this for a Presidential ticket?

    For President, John McCain. He’s a veteran, strong on defense, moderate and independant. He’s also the antithesis of George W. Bush. For running mate? Wesley Clark. I don’t think Clark’s ready for the Presidency, but he’d make a good VP.

    I think it would work if they swoop in with their secretaries of Defense and State lined up before the election… they could take it in a walk. Who would they be? Albright at State and Powell at Defense. Yeah, I smell a winner.

    I think I’m going crazy… but wouldn’t that be awesome?

  • Breakfast at Epiphanies

    I realized last night that I had watched a grand total of 2 hours and forty minutes of television this weekend: Finding Nemo with Max on Saturday afternoon, and Carnivale last night while drinking my virgin bloody mary and unwinding after a very long day. This weekend was so full and so rewarding that I want to do it all over again, even though my back is sore from stooping over our too-short-for-my-six-foot-frame counters chopping countless vegetables and meats for the two big dinners I cooked. Even though I’m still tired and worn out – it was all good.

    I’ve come to a lot of realizations in the past month or so that have dealt major blows to my internal status quo. They could, and probably will be fodder for future blog posts, but here’s a small synopsis of the personal epiphanies I can remember from the past month:

    • It’s OK to be Mormon and a Liberal. My religion (maybe not the church membership, but the actual religion) is very politically-agnostic. Every November, a letter is read during Sacrament meeting that basically says, “Vote your conscience, people. Don’t use church membership lists for political purposes, and the Church never endorses candidates.” I’ve got to follow my conscience, and my conscience points me to the Left. I’m now comfortable being there.

    • I’m less involved, and do less than I used to. I’m trying to fix that. I’m not sure what caused it, although my hypothesis is that it started with my knee injury and us moving. I got comfortable not being outgoing, partly because I was probably depressed, and never realized it. I think that I’ve finally recovered, and I feel myself coming back. I’m more outgoing, friendlier and happier. I missed me.

    • I can do more. Part of the previous one is that I realized that I used to work full-time, go to school, participate in a weekly local TV show, and had a social life. Until recently, I worked and came home, grudgingly went to church, and wasn’t very involved in anything I didn’t have to be. I can do more. I’m doing more. I’m more involved at Church, thinking about bigger things at work and in general, and building a social life outside of hallway conversations at work. I’m looking for fewer diversions (TV, PS2) and more activities (dinner parties, new projects, and even more stuff coming soon). I think part of the “doing more” drive is that I finally feel better. I’ve lost fifty pounds. I can move mostly without pain (except for rapid changes in the weather – the mess with my knee something awful). I have more energy than I’ve had in years, and it feels great. It’s time to channel that energy into new things.

    • I don’t know my religion. I swear I used to. Somehow, I’ve forgotten a lot of it. This goes way back, and I’m not going to talk about it here. But, I’m re-energized here too. I’m beginning to feel that commitment again, that drive I had when I was younger to be better that I’d forgotten about. I’ve been a coaster for a long time, just attending and not participating, hearing but not feeling. I think that’s turning around. I feel better at church than I have since I was nineteen (nine years is a LONG time), and I hope it stays that way.

    It’s only three things, but they’re all connected, and combined are powerful enough that I almost feel like a different person. I’m starting to feel comfortable in my own skin.

  • Minor and Major Miracles

    We had a dinner party tonight for eight people. I’ve never cooked for eight adults before. I had no idea how much food we needed – but it went off without a hitch. I made may famous easy meatballs, from-scratch tomato sauce for the first time ever (for the meatballs), brushetta, and baked asparagus with pancetta and shredded romano cheese. Everyone went back for seconds, and everone mmmmm’ed and aaaaaah’ed over it – even the culinary institute graduate!!! How cool is that? I consider it a minor miracle.

    Another minor miracle: ten people have registered at nonDependant in the three days since we launched, with no promotion outside of Dawson’s blog and this site. A small beginning, but it’s still a beginning. I’m just glad someone who’s not a spouse of one of us signed up. The discussions have already been interesting, and I think they’ll get even better as more people get involved, and we get into more topics.

    And one major miracle. BoingBoing linked to this profile of Judith Scott. She’s an artist who creates beautiful pieces of fiber art. Art on its own is a little miracle, but the fact that she is deaf, mute and has severe Down Syndrome elevates it to a major one. This woman has unparalleled drive and concentration to create. I wish I had a fraction of that.