Author: Kevin Lawver

  • Yummy

    Excuse me while I go boil me some water. I don’t know what it is, but boiled water doesn’t taste very good. I don’t recommend it.

  • That Wasn’t So Bad

    Isabel was a tease. Yeah, we have to boil our water until they tell us we can go back to gargling willy nilly. But, last night actually wasn’t bad. Granted, we live in the sainted little corridor that got the least rain and wind in the DC area. Plus, we live on a hill, so flooding isn’t really a worry. The only thing that gave us pause was all the trees that back up to our yard, but they’re fine too.

    Work is closed today, but yes, I still have to work. So, it’s dial-up, TiVo and caffeine for me while I try to work while sitting on the couch.

    It was so “not bad” here that our DirecTV never went out. Not once while I was watching. Yeah… Isabel was a tease.

  • And One More Thing…

    We have lots and lots of D batteries we can put in socks and swing wildly if the terrorists decide that now is the best time to attack our house. I feel a lot better with that out in the open.

  • Polyps No!

    I got a message from my doctor that the CAT scan of my head is completely normal. So, no polyps, but still no explanation for The Sinus Infection That Ate Northern Virginia (starting Tyrone Power).

    Today is Hurricane Day. It’s’ supposed to start raining this afternoon, and well, I’m OK with that. We were prepared for the chemical attacks that didn’t happen this spring, so we’re ready for a hurricane. We’ve got water, plastic sheeting and duct tape, so if all else fails, we can jury-rig a Slip N’ Slide. We are so prepared that we went to the grocery story after dinner last night, and left with the following important hurricane supplies:

    • two decks of playing cards (when mother-in-law comes, must have good cards)

    • two bags of potato chips

    • jujyfruits

    • almond M&M’s

    • Hershey Kisses

    As you can see, we are ready to weather almost any natural disaster that might befall us.

  • Two Extremes

    As good as yesterday was, today is that bad. I didn’t sleep well, woke up too early from a nightmare that refused to leave my head after waking. The horrible thoughts meant I couldn’t get back to sleep, so I got up, showered, dressed, medicated, stumbled out of the door and drove to work, two hours early for no good reason.

    The impending hurricane’s pressure (increased or decreased, don’t really care) is torturing my sinuses. It feels like my face might pop and run down my skull any minute, leaving me with gaping holes in my skull, and a lot of goo to explain to the housekeeping people when they come to clean tonight. My eyes are sandpaper on the inside of my eyelids, and the rest of my head is no better.

    Today, everyone sucks. Really. I still love you, I do, but you all suck. You suck because your faces don’t hurt, and you’re all so damn smiley. Stop smiling. There’s nothing to smile about. We’re going to get a million feet of rain in the next seventy-two hours, DQ no longer makes cherry Dilly Bars, my face hurts, George W. Bush is still the President, people still go to bed hungry, there’s another worm exploiting yet another hole in Windows, an asteroid might crash into earth any day now and destroy us all, did I mention my face hurts, they freakin’ cancelled Homicide, Firefly and Sports Night but somehow 7th Heaven and Charmed are still on the air, Mark Sandman died so there will be no more Morphine albums but there will be more Britney Spears albums, no one makes good noir anymore, and my face is killing me. You all suck.

  • Good Days and Balls of Meat

    Today has been a good day. Even though I got up early, didn’t eat breakfast, had to hold my bladder for two hours after waking up, had two vials of blood drawn, and have had a monstrous sinus headache all day… today has been a good day. I found the super-sweet Listutorial which helped me fix a particularly vexing problem with a new project at work (which you’ll be able to see in a week or so). A weird feature no one thought was possible, that I was able to figure out and implement, was finally approved this afternoon (you’ll see it in a month or so). I smiled a lot, and walked with a bounce in my step, despite all of those things listed above. I’m still wearing my little hospital bracelet (two vials of blood, and they tagged me like a bear in the woods), a bright Hawaiian shirt and my stupid orange hair.

    Tonight, I’m going over to celebrate my littlest brother’s twenty-first birthday (wait, don’t get excited – we’re Mormon: 21 don’t mean nothin’), see my mother-in-law (which despite popular perception, is cool), and eat some yummy yummy balls of meat I made myself last night with sausage, ground beef and rolled between my two hands.

    Then, I get to go to bed, wake up and start all over again, and hopefully get the results of that CAT scan from last week.

  • Great Freakin Wallpaper

    Oh yeah, it’s time to beautify your desktop with some gorgeous wallpaper via the fine folks at Veer. Ultra-swank and incredibly varied for one little place. You will like it, I promise.

  • Another OS X Tip

    Have trouble with your Mac hanging up during boot, or have weird application problems you’re not quite sure how to fix (like jEdit all of a sudden stops working)? Try booting into single-user mode!

    1. Reboot, and hold down the Apple key and S.

    2. When you finally get a command prompt, type: fsck -y and hit Enter.

    3. When it finishes, type: reboot and hit Enter

    If that doesn’t fix, then you’re in real trouble and need to seek professional help.

  • I Am Geek Yenta!

    I just found out that a girl I used to sit next to four years ago is getting married in December to a guy that used to work in our Unix help desk. It turns out that I introduced them over four and a half years ago!

    First, he gave her an IP address and a login, then he stole her heart. I freakin’ love geek love stories! And I’m a part of this one! I am the Geek Yenta!!

  • Palestine and Israel – A Solution

    The following is a drug-induced attempt at humor:

    You can thank Dawson’s latest treatise on Israel and Palestine for this piece of stupidity. I was thinking the other day about Israel and Palestine and how part of the problem is the proximity of the two parties and how all they really need is some space. Israel’s well-established, and has a working government. The Palestinains don’t. They’ve got resident crazy bastard Yassar Arafat and a bunch of cronies. The one guy who looked reasonable and actually agreed to wear a suit and tie just resigned.

    I don’t think Palestine and Israel will ever live together in anything resembling peace. So, I’ve come up with a plan. Let’s give the Palestinians half of Montana. I don’t even care which half – we’ll let Montana vote on it. It’s more land than the Palestinians could ever hope to milk form the Israeli’s, and they’ll already have streets, a highway system and McDonalds on which to build their own economy.

    I think George W. Bush could be seen as the greatest peacemaker of all time if he pulled this one off (although the Republicans would never win Montana again, but really, they have what, 1 electoral vote?). He’d be seen as a hero in the Middle East because now Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iran don’t have to hear the Palestinians whine about Sharon anymore, or have Arafat over for dinner.

    All this problem needs is some creative thought. I think GW should through in cowboy hats for everyone too – and a pony – and maybe some brush for the new Palestinian Prime Minister to clear. I hear it makes you look presidential.